This is a simple image viewer written in Go (and the technologies listed below). It also includes some basic editing functionality. Prebuilt packages are currently available for Windows, macOS and Linux here.
- language: Go
- UI framework: fyne
- image processing backend: gift
- cross compilation: fyne-cross
Packages are currently available for Windows, macOS and Linux. On Windows and macOS, just download the packages from the releases section and install it as usual.
*Note for Mac users: There might be a warning, that the OS doesn't trust the application. In this case press Ctrl+left click on the application and select open. Next time the app should open like any other program.
On Linux you'll need download the package from the releases section too. Then extract the archive. To install type (in the folder that contains the Makefile):
sudo make install
To uninstall type:
sudo make uninstall
- Fork this repository to your local machine
- Add a new branch, make changes, merge to master branch
- Make a pull request
- undo/redo: change parameter values back to default
- open recent images
- write tests
If you need any help, feel free to open a new Issue.