The Elewa LMS is worlds first conversational learning manager. The Elewa LMS allows you to build, host and manage courses that run over a conversational platform such as WhatsApp, Telegram, Messenger or our very own web platform. And best of all, it's fully open source!
The Elewa LMS packs three elements:
A conversation builder.
A drag-and-drop editor for building chatbot conversations/stories.
Chatbot channel management & hosting.
The ability to connect different channels to the chatbot manager and to link conversations/stories. This includes channel registration such as WhatsApp Business API registration on the platform.
Conversational system
Mirror of chat(bot) conversations with a user and the ability to take over from the bot and have direct chat with a participant and to guide the participants to parts of the application.
To contribute, refer to the iTalanta/Moringa Open-Source Documentation.
Contributions are always welcome!
Follow the steps below to start contributing on the project via pull requests:
Create a new branch for your changes by running
git checkout -b [branch name]
Make the desired changes to the code on your local machine.
Commit the changes to your local repository by running
git commit -am '[commit message]
Push the changes to your forked repository on Github by running
git push origin [branch name]
Go to the elewa repository and create a new pull request by clicking on the "New pull request" button.
Select the branch that contains your changes and compare it with the main branch of the original repository.
Add a detailed description (Using our PR template provided) of the changes made and submit the pull request.
Submit the pull request.
It is always a good practice to check the open source project's contributing guide before making any changes.
It is also recommended to keep your fork updated with the original repository by syncing your fork. You can do this by adding the original repository as a remote:
git remote add upstream [URL of original repository]
then fetch the changes and merge them with your local branch :
git fetch upstream
git merge upstream/main
Also it is good to communicate with the maintainers or other contributors, you can do this by opening an issue or leaving a comment on the pull request you created.
Please adhere to this project's code of conduct
For setup details refer to