This is a thin wrapper library that makes using PayOnline API a bit easier, doing all the signing/checking job for you.
Note that v0.1 is planned to be backwards-incompatible, reflecting forthcoming overhaul of PayOnline API
npm install payonline
var PayOnline = require('payonline');
var payOnlineClient = new PayOnline({
merchantId: "put your id here",
privateSecurityKey: "put your security key here"
"OrderId": "TestOrderId",
"Amount": "2.00",
"Currency": "RUB"
}, function (err, url) {
console.log("Payment url: " + url);
"DateTime=2008-12-31 23:59:59&TransactionID=1234567&OrderId=56789&Amount=9.99&Currency=USD&SecurityKey=8e22a392a71f19a0cab54834e5ed062f",
function (err, result) {
console.log("Transaction ID: " + result.TransactionID);
console.log("Order ID: " + result.OrderId);
payOnlineClient.void(123, function (err, result) {
if (result.Result !== "Ok") {
console.log("Unable to void transaction");
payOnlineClient.confirm(124, function (err, result) {
if (result.Result !== "Ok") {
console.log("Unable to confirm transaction");
payOnlineClient.partialConfirm(125, 1.50, function (err, result) {
if (result.Result !== "Ok") {
console.log("Unable to confirm transaction");