A StumpWM module for keeping track of Pomodoro sessions
Clone the repository and move it to your StumpWM modules folder. The modules folder has changed several times throughout the StumpWM releases, so the best way to find it is to eval `*module-dir*` in StumpWM (C-t :).
git clone https://github.com/Payphone/Pomo.git
mv Pomo ~/.stumpwm.d/modules/
Now update your .stumpwmrc file to include the following:
(load-module "dictionary")
(setf dictionary:*api-key* "[YOUR KEY]")
(define-key *root-map* (kbd "d") "get-definition")
There aren’t any key bindings by default, so you can either add some or just execute commands with colon (C-t ;).
The commands should be pretty self-explanatory. Commands:
- pomo-start
- pomo-break
- pomo-stop
- pomo-reset
The only things you’ll probably want to change are the lengths of time for breaks and work. You can do this easily by adjusting the variables ∗short-break∗, ∗long-break∗, and ∗work-period∗, they default to 5, 15, and 25 respectively. .stumpwmrc
(setf pomo:*short-break* 3)
(setf pomo:*long-break* 10)
(setf pomo:*work-time* 30)