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Paystack OpenCart Extension


OpenCart Paystack payment gateway integration. Visit the Paystack Website to know how paystack works. Install to receive payments for your goods in naira from any Mastercard, Visa or Verve card in the world.


  • Curl 7.34.0 or more recent
  • PHP 5.5.19 or more recent
  • OpenSSL v1.0.1 or more recent


  • Paystack currently only accepts the following currencies: NGN, USD and GHS.
  • You need to have created an account on


  • Paystack payment gateway integration
  • Activates payment module only when cart currency is NGN, USDor GHS.
  • Activate payment module only when order total reaches the amount you specified
  • Captures call back notification to automatically update order status
  • Simply turn on Live Mode to accept live payments.


  1. Visit Paystack OpenCart Extension to download the latest release.
  2. Unzip the files. Select the right version for your OpenCart.
  3. Upload the files to your OpenCart installation folder with a FTP client OR
  4. Upload the zipped file to the root of your OpenCart installation then unzip using cPanel File Manager. The folders should merge.
  5. In admin panel, proceed to ‘Extensions > Payment’ and install ‘Paystack’.
  6. Configure the module accordingly.
  1. Enable Paystack payment gateway on your OpenCart admin.
  2. Add and set NGN, GHS or USD as your default store currency.
  3. Proceed to Paystack OpenCart Extension to rate our work.

Running the paystack OpenCart plugin on docker

Contained within this repo, is a dockerfile and a docker-compose file to quickly spin up an opencart and mysql container with the paystack opencart plugin installed.


Quick Steps

  • Create a local.env file off the local.env.sample in the root directory. Replace the ******* with the right values
  • Run docker-compose up from the root directory to build and start the mysql and opencart containers.
  • Visit localhost:8000 on your browser to access and setup opencart.
  • Run docker-compose stop from the root directory to stop the containers.

Other Configuration

To add currencies, you can do so at System > Localisation > Currencies.



For bug reports and feature requests directly related to this plugin, please use the issue tracker.

For general support or questions about your Paystack account, you can reach out by sending a message from our website.


If you are a developer, please join our Developer Community on Slack.

Contributing to OpenCart Extension for Paystack

If you have a patch or have stumbled upon an issue with the OpenCart extension for Paystack, you can contribute this back to the code. Please read our contributor guidelines for more information how you can do this.