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A Vue plugin of JustGage

Reference and Thanks



npm install vue-justgage --save-dev

or use dist/vueJustgage.js without webpack

<script src="vue.min.js"></script>
<!-- must place this line after vue.js -->
<script src="dist/vueJustgage.js"></script>


You can import it in main.js

import vueJustgage from 'vue-justgage';

or import it in your own component.

import Vue from 'vue';
import vueJustgage from 'vue-justgage';
export default {


Please use methods after mounted hook.

  <vue-justgage ref="g1" id="g1" class="gauge"></vue-justgage>
  <button type="button" id="gauge_refresh" @click="refresh">Refresh Gauges</button>

export default {
  data() {
    return {
      dflt: {
        min: 0,
        max: 200,
        donut: true,
        gaugeWidthScale: 0.6,
        counter: true,
        hideInnerShadow: true
  mounted() {
    var g1 = this.$refs.g1.draw({
      id: 'g1',
      value: 125,
      title: 'javascript call',
      defaults: this.dflt
  methods: {
    refresh() {
      this.g1.refresh(this.getRandomInt(0, 100));


options about container

option type default description
id string container element id
parentNode node object null container element
width int null gauge width
height int null gauge height
defaults bool false defaults parameter to use

options about gauge

option type default description
value float 0 value gauge is showing
gaugeWidthScale float 1 width of the gauge element
gaugeColor string '#edebeb' background color of gauge element
levelColors string[] [ "#a9d70b", "#f9c802", "#ff0000" ] colors of indicator, from lower to upper, in RGB format
customSectors [ ] of objects [ ] number of digits after floating point, available option:{color, lo, hi}
noGradient bool false whether to use gradual color change for value, or sector-based
donut bool false show full donut gauge
donutStartAngle int 90 angle to start from when in donut mode
hideInnerShadow bool false hide inner shadow
shadowOpacity int 0.2 shadow opacity, values 0 ~ 1
shadowSize int 5 inner shadow size
shadowVerticalOffset int 3 how much shadow is offset from top
reverse bool false reverse min and max
relativeGaugeSize bool false whether gauge size should follow changes in container element size
pointer bool false show value pointer
pointerOptions object [ ] of objects define pointer look, available option:{toplength, bottomlength, bottomwidth, color, stroke, stroke_width, stroke_linecap}

options about text

option type default description
title string ' ' gauge title
min float 0 min value
max float 100 max value
hideMinMax bool false hide min and max values
counter bool false animate level number change
label string ' ' text to show below value
decimals int 0 number of digits after floating point
textRenderer func null function applied before rendering text
titleFontColor string '#999999' color of gauge title
titleFontFamily string 'sans-serif' font family of gauge title
titlePosition string 'above' position of gauge title,'above' or 'below'
valueFontColor string '#010101' color of label showing current value
valueFontFamily string 'Arial' font family of label showing current value
symbol string ' ' special symbol to show next to value
humanFriendly string false font family of label showing current value
labelFontColor string '#b3b3b3' color of label showing label under value
valueMinFontSize int 16 absolute minimum font size for the value
titleMinFontSize int 10 absolute minimum font size for the title
labelMinFontSize int 10 absolute minimum font size for the label
minLabelMinFontSize int 10 absolute minimum font size for the minimum label
maxLabelMinFontSize int 10 absolute minimum font size for the maximum label
hideValue bool false hide value text
humanFriendlyDecimal int 0 number of decimal places for our human friendly number to contain
formatNumber bool false formats numbers with commas where appropriate

options about animation

option type default description
startAnimationTime int 700 length of initial animation
startAnimationType string '>' type of initial animation (linear, >, <, <>, bounce)
refreshAnimationTime int 700 length of refresh animation
refreshAnimationType string '>' type of refresh animation (linear, >, <, <>, bounce)


<vue-justgage ref="g1" id="g1" class="gauge"></vue-justgage>
  • draw: new a JustGage instance
  • refresh:refresh gauge
this.$refs.g1.refresh(this.getRandomInt(0, 100));

PS: the method getRandomInt can be used directly as this.getRandomInt()

For detailed explanation on how things work, consult the docs for vue-justgage.


A Vue plugin of justgae






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