You where kicked out. Left by society. Now you walk the streets looking for food and shelter. Survive as long as you can.
- look <item_name>? : looks at the current room or at the specified item in the current room
- inventory <item_name>? : looks at the players inventory or at the specified item in the player inventory
- money : diplays player current money
- hunger : displays player current health
- beg : beg's the people around the player for money
- eat <food_name> : eat's the specified food item inside the player's inventory
- take <item_name> : take an item from the current room and place it in the player's inventory
- throw <item_name> : throw an item from the player's inventory into the current room
- go [north|south|east|west]: go to the specified direction
- open <itemContainer_name> : open an item container from your inventory
- exit | quit : shut down the game