SystemVerilog computer vision/image processing library.
Project by: Peter Davenport John Iams
Project to do:
- Pick up camera and get the drivers working.
- Print the camera to the VGA display.
- Implement a color filter to select colors within some tolerance and outputs a Boolean matrix.
- Implement matrix element wize Boolean operations: NOT, AND, OR, XOR
- Implement centroid finder, area finder, bounding box finder. <Tuesday 5/28 goal>
- Implement shape recogniser.
- Implement shape printer to print lines, rectangles, circles, and triangles, to the VGA display.
- Implement sound effects when a shape is recognised. <Firday 5/31 goal>
Strech Goals: 9. Guassian Blur before color filtering. 10. Print name of shape and it's corner coorinates to the screen. 11. Identification of multiple shapes in parellel.