Design and implement a sudoku algorithm with JavaFX or JSF.
A basic sudoku algorithm. Learn new features of JDK 17.
A Non-Modular-Maven project for sudoku core.
A Modular-Maven project for sudoku core.
Design and implement a sudoku algorithm with JavaFX 16.
JavaFX builds on top of JDK and is a standalone component. There are 2 different options for developing JavaFX applications:
- Use the JavaFX SDK
- Use a build system (e.g. maven/gradle) to download the required modules from Maven Central.
For both options, it is required to have a recent version of JDK 16, or at least JDK 11.
A Non-Modular-Maven project for sudoku GUI with JavaFX.
Before running the project from the Run button, we need to instruct NetBeans to use the javafx plugin instead of the default one. For that, go to Properties -> Actions -> Run project and change the Execute Goals with this:
clean javafx:run
A Modular-Maven project for sudoku GUI with JavaFX.
Before running the project from the Run button, we need to instruct NetBeans to use the javafx plugin instead of the default one. For that, go to Properties -> Actions -> Run project and change the Execute Goals with this:
clean javafx:run
Edit the module-info class. To prevent Eclipse from showing a warning when creating the Application class, add also the transitive modules to the file:
requires transitive;
A Modular-Maven project for sudoku GUI with JavaFX, but without FXML files
A Non-Modular-Maven project for sudoku GUI with JSF. A Java Web Server is needed for deploying. Create custom UI component.
Since H2 database ships with WildFly / JBoss EAP, set up H2 for testing. Use h2console.war to view the database content. Just deploy it in
and access the console at the following URL: http://localhost:8080/h2console.