- List orders of a user
- Using User Auth JWT microservice Sync comunication
- Create a order of N events to N tickets
- Check ticket availablety with sync request to events microservice
- Search order by Id
- Send Payment Contract to RabbitMQ to payment worker queue
- (Sentry to trace error logs)[https://sentry.io/]
- Morgan to trace requests
- make sure that .env file is created
- make sure if you will use docker
- To build:
docker-compose up --build -d
- Make sure that you can see all networks to comunicate with microservices, sample:
docker network ls
docker network connect authenticate-microservice_auth-microservice-network orders-microservice
docker network connect events-tickets-microservice_events-microservice-network orders-microservice
- Install RabbitMQ container and make sure that container is in order-network, sample:
3.1 - install RabbitMQ container
docker run -d --hostname my-rabbit --name some-rabbit -p 8080:15672 rabbitmq:3-management
3.2 - Add rabbitmq container order network
docker network ls
docker network connect order-microservice_orders-microservice-network some-rabbit
- download yarn
- yarn install
- yarn dev
To build to production
yarn run build
the dist folder will be generated
To test
yarn test
Build your own docker image, remember to change .env vars
docker build -f .\Dockerfile.prod -t orders-microservice-prod .
Install plugins
- Prettier
- REST Client (to run requests inside vscode on requests file in root folder)
- Editorconfig
- Docker
- Add client data to send to payment contract (queue)
- Add Type of Payment (card/boleto/débito) data to send to payment contract (queue)
- Add client Address to send to payment contract (queue)
- Code coverge > 80%
- Add Logging traces
- Add ALARM when errors occur
- Revison of production dockerfile builder
- Create CI/CD pipelines with docker-compose to GCP Cloud Builder
- Send pod to Kubernets Cluster