Allow launching server in the cloud, bind with a bungee-cord proxy
Put Coffee Dispenser in the bungee plugins folder
Launch the Bungee to generate the CoffeeDispenser config.yml then close it.
Fill the config.yml
Complete the this is the default initialization script of the digital ocean server.
The plugin is configured
- To launch a server (it will close after 3h55m automatically for security)
- To close a server
- From a bungee plugin called the event LaunchServerEvent
LaunchServerEvent launchServerEvent = new LaunchServerEvent(
(uuid) -> System.out.printf("Hello Server %s start",uuid.toString()),
(uuid,reason) -> System.out.printf("Hello Server %s don't start because %s",uuid.toString(),reason));
2.The server will take about 3 minutes to start and set up
- To close the server it is necessary to call the CloseServerEvent
getProxy().getPluginManager().callEvent(new CloseServerEvent(serverUuid));
- Installation Maven / Gradle