This example shows how a mod can be created using Phantom Loader.
Refer to the wiki for a full explanation.
Phantom Loader uses an annotation processor to generate code for specific mod loaders without requiring the mod developer to add code in the mod loader's module.
// Forge
implementation fg.deobf("curse.maven:phantom-loader-958545:5011993")
annotationProcessor fg.deobf("curse.maven:phantom-loader-958545:5011993")
annotationProcessor "io.github.phantomloader:processor-forge:${phantomVersion}"
// Fabricì
modImplementation "curse.maven:phantom-loader-958545:5011988"
annotationProcessor "curse.maven:phantom-loader-958545:5011988"
annotationProcessor "net.fabricmc:fabric-loader:${fabricVersion}"
annotationProcessor "io.github.phantomloader:processor-fabric:${phantomVersion}"
Methods annotated with @ModEntryPoint
will be called from the generated classes for the respective loader.
public class ExampleMod {
public static void initialize() {
// ...
The above will generate the following:
// Forge
public class ForgeInitializer {
public ForgeInitializer() {
// Fabric
public class FabricInitializer implements ModInitializer {
public void onInitialize() {