Starter project for Serverless Restful API application using AWS Lambda, API Gateway with SAM local, applying Clean Architecture for defining dependencies and structuring code.
Behavior Driven Development is applied as well with ready baked script for common actions: build, test, deploy, undeploy, test with code coverage, end-to-end testing.
├── README.MD <-- This instructions file
├── app <-- Source code for the application
│ └── @types <-- TypeScript types definitions
│ │ └── express.d.t <-- Extension to ExpressJS
│ └── e2e <-- End to end API testing features
│ └── features <-- Application testing features
│ └── lib <-- Main application code
│ │ └── application <-- Application services
│ │ │ └── event <-- Application wide events
│ │ │ └── repositories <-- Data access interfaces
│ │ │ └── security <-- Security interfaces
│ │ │ └── use_cases <-- Application business use cases
│ │ └── domain <-- Core business layer
│ │ │ └── container <-- Dependency Injection Container
│ │ │ └── entities <-- Domain Entities
│ │ └── infrastructure <-- Extension to ExpressJS
│ │ │ └── config <-- JSON configurations
│ │ │ └── webserver <-- Web Server (ExpressJS) interfaces
│ │ │ └── middlewares <-- ExpressJS Middlewares
│ │ │ └── plugins <-- ExpressJS Plugins
│ │ │ └── routers <-- ExpressJS Routers
│ │ │ └── Server.ts <-- ExpressJS Application entry point
│ │ └── interfaces <-- Extension to ExpressJS
│ │ │ └── config <-- Configuration implementations
│ │ │ └── container <-- DI Contaier implementations
│ │ │ └── controllers <-- Logic routers
│ │ │ └── repositories <-- Data Access implementations
│ │ │ └── security <-- Security implementations
│ │ │ └── serializers <-- Response serializers
│ └── Lambda.ts <-- Lambda Handler entry point
│ └── Local.ts <-- Local development server entry pont
│ └── package.json <-- Development scripts
│ └── tsconfig.json <-- Typescript config
│ └── tslint.json <-- TSLint config
├── package.json <-- SAM scripts
├── template.yaml <-- SAM template
The app/lib
folder contains all the implementation of the application which follows the Clean Architecture design as below image
- SAM installed
- NodeJS 8.15+ installed - NodeJS 8.15 is currently the highest supported version by Lambda. If you have to run other version then consider installing NVM as well.
- Docker installed
The AWS API Gateway is a Proxy Resourse which will direct every requests to the Lambda handler which in turn pass to AWS Serverless Express which acts like a bridge to our ExpressJS application.
Thus, the development of the ExpressJS application is totally the same with developing a normal ExpressJS application.
There are two entry points to the ExpressJS application
- This is the entry points which setup the AWS Serverless Express and bridge all request from Lambda to ExpressJS applicationLocal.js
- This is the normal ExpressJS application which can be used for local development or deployed separate if needed
All development happens inside app
cd app
- Make sure NodeJS 8.15 is the default one (
nvm use 8.15
is being used) npm install
Run either npm run build
for single time build or npm run build:watch
for watching changes and build.
node Local.js
In case you want to watch for changes without the need of stopping/starting the application manually, then consider using nodemon
npm run test
> clean-starter@1.0.0 test /Users/ntr9h/Projects/clean-starter/app
> npm run build && cucumber-js -f node_modules/cucumber-pretty --exit features/**/*.feature
> clean-starter@1.0.0 build /Users/ntr9h/Projects/clean-starter/app
> tsc
Feature: Authenticate user using username and password
Scenario: empty email
When authenticate with email "" and password "any"
Then return Bad Request Problem
Scenario: empty password
When authenticate with email "any" and password ""
Then return Bad Request Problem
Scenario: invalid credential
Given invalid credential
When authenticate with email "any" and password "any"
Then return Unauthorized Problem
Scenario: user to auth response mapping
Given User JSON '{"id":"any-id","email":"any@email","name":"Any Name"}'
When authenticate with email "any" and password "any"
Then return token having id of "any-id"
Feature: Authenticate user using token
Scenario: empty token
When resolve token ""
Then return Forbidden Problem
Scenario: invalid token
When resolve token "anything"
Then return Forbidden Problem
Scenario: valid token of not existing user
Given valid token
But token could not be resolved to a user
When resolve token "anything"
Then return Forbidden Problem
Scenario: valid token of existing merchant
Given valid token
And token resolved to an existing user
When resolve token "anything"
Then return the matching user
Feature: Fido2Authenticate user using hardware security key
This is to support passwordless authentication
Scenario: register challenge request with empty email
When requestRegister with email ""
Then return Bad Request Problem
Scenario: register challenge request with any email
When requestRegister with email "any@email"
Then return attestationoption having challenge not null and attestation is direct
Scenario: register attestation validation request with invalid attestation
Given WebAuthNUser JSON '{"id":"any-id","email":"any@email","challenge":"a challenge"}'
When register with attestation '{"rawI": "invalid attestation"}'
Then return Unauthorized Problem
Scenario: register attestation validation request with valid attestation
Given WebAuthNUser JSON '{"id":"any-id","email":"any@email","challenge":"a challenge"}'
When register with attestation '{"rawId":"L8GNu..NA==","response":{"attestationObject":"o2Nm..gSQ==","getAuthenticatorData":{},"getPublicKey":{},"getPublicKeyAlgorithm":{},"getTransports":{},"clientDataJSON":"eyJ0eXBl..lts":{},"id":"L8GNuxJ...xNA","type":"public-key"}'
Then return true
Scenario: login request with empty email
Given WebAuthNUser JSON '{"id":"any-id","email":"any@email","challenge":"a challenge"}'
When login with email ""
Then return Bad Request Problem
Scenario: login request with any user with valid key
Given WebAuthNUser JSON '{"email":"any@email","challenge":"prior challenge","key":{"fmt":"packed","publicKey":"BKkF...aE=","counter":1,"credID":"Y668...qRXMA=="}}'
When login with email "any@email"
Then return assertionOptions having different challenge than "prior challenge"
Scenario: login assertion validation request with invalid attestation
Given WebAuthNUser JSON '{"email":"any@email","challenge":"prior challenge"}'
When loginChallenge with assertion '{"rawI": "invalid attestation"}'
Then return Unauthorized Problem
Scenario: login assertion validation request with valid attestation
Given WebAuthNUser JSON '{"id": "anyid", "email":"any@email","challenge":"prior challenge","key":{"fmt":"packed","publicKey":"BKkFhm...aE=","counter":1,"credID":"Y668QqUn...=="}}'
When loginChallenge with assertion '{"rawId":"Y668...A==","response":{"authenticatorData":"SZYN5Yg...g==","signature":"MEU...h9A=","userHandle":null,"clientDataJSON":"eyJ0eXB...X0="},"getClientExtensionResults":{},"id":"Y668QqUn...MA","type":"public-key"}'
Then return valid token
16 scenarios (16 passed)
44 steps (44 passed)
npm run coverage
File | % Stmts | % Branch | % Funcs | % Lines | Uncovered Line #s |
All files | 82.67 | 64.71 | 95.65 | 81.67 | |
application/use_cases/auth | 80 | 81.82 | 100 | 79.45 | |
Authenticate.ts | 86.67 | 100 | 100 | 85.71 | 50,53 |
Fido2Authenticate.ts | 73.08 | 77.78 | 100 | 72.34 |... 21,133,152,168 |
ResolveToken.ts | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | |
domain/entities | 85.71 | 56.52 | 100 | 84.85 | |
Problem.ts | 84.62 | 56.52 | 100 | 83.33 | 27,41,42,46,47 |
User.ts | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | |
interfaces/config | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | |
AuthnConfig.ts | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | |
interfaces/security | 80 | 100 | 75 | 80 | |
JwtProvider.ts | 80 | 100 | 75 | 80 | 20,23 |
npm run e2e
E2E tests expect the RestAPI to be located at http://localhost:8080
, this can be changed inside app/e2e/Authenticate.ts
Make sure you are on the project's root and run
npm run api
this will start the local RestAPI in SAM local development environment.
Make sure you are on the project's root.
Make sure Docker is running then run
npm run build
> clean-starter-aws@1.0.0 build /Users/xxx/Projects/clean-starter
> npm run compile && sam build --use-container --skip-pull-image
> clean-starter-aws@1.0.0 compile /Users/xxx/Projects/clean-starter
> cd app && npm run build && cd ..
> clean-starter@1.0.0 build /Users/xxx/Projects/clean-starter/app
> tsc
2019-04-02 09:54:13 Starting Build inside a container
2019-04-02 09:54:13 Found credentials in shared credentials file: ~/.aws/credentials
2019-04-02 09:54:14 Building resource 'StarterKitHandler'
2019-04-02 09:54:14 Requested to skip pulling images ...
2019-04-02 09:54:14 Mounting /Users/xxx/Projects/clean-starter/app as /tmp/samcli/source:ro inside runtime container
Build Succeeded
Built Artifacts : .aws-sam/build
Built Template : .aws-sam/build/template.yaml
Commands you can use next
[*] Invoke Function: sam local invoke
[*] Package: sam package --s3-bucket <yourbucket>
Running NodejsNpmBuilder:NpmPack
Running NodejsNpmBuilder:CopyNpmrc
Running NodejsNpmBuilder:CopySource
Running NodejsNpmBuilder:NpmInstall
Running NodejsNpmBuilder:CleanUpNpmrc
Before packaging, and S3 bucket with name clean-starter-aws-staging
must exist. The bucket can be created by running npm run create-s3
npm run package
> clean-starter-aws@1.0.0 package /Users/xxx/Projects/clean-starter
> sam package --s3-bucket $npm_package_name-staging --output-template-file packaged.yaml
Uploading to fbd4a19af525b693a4f688ad645b0a75 7834591 / 7834591.0 (100.00%)
Successfully packaged artifacts and wrote output template to file packaged.yaml.
Execute the following command to deploy the packaged template
aws cloudformation deploy --template-file /Users/xxx/Projects/clean-starter/packaged.yaml --stack-name <YOUR STACK NAME>
npm run deploy
> clean-starter-aws@1.0.0 deploy /Users/xxx/Projects/clean-starter
> sam deploy --template-file packaged.yaml --stack-name $npm_package_name-staging --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM --parameter-overrides Stage=staging
Waiting for changeset to be created..
Waiting for stack create/update to complete
Successfully created/updated stack - clean-starter-aws-staging
Run npm run install
to run all the 3 steps above in 1 single call.
Run npm run uninstall
to remove all the related resources from AWS.
can be accessed in code to pick the right configuration for different environment.
For example:
import * as cfg from "../../infrastructure/config/jwt.json";
import IJwtConfig from "../security/IJwtConfig";
export default class JwtConfig implements IJwtConfig {
public readonly key: string;
public readonly expiresIn: string
constructor() {
Object.assign(this, process.env.STAGE === 'production' ? cfg.production : cfg.staging)
To deal with production environment append :prod
to your script name, for example - to build for production environment run npm run build:prod
or npm run install:prod
There are three authentication options as follows
- UPN authentication
- Multi-factor authentication, in which UPN is the primary authenticator and FIDO2 the second authenticator
- Passwordless authentication, using FIDO2 protocol
The authentication methods are specified on an application-level configuration file named authnConfig.json. There are 2 settings as follows
"enablePasswordless": true,
"enable2FAWithFido2": true
Several resources are created during installation with format <package_name>-<environment>
- S3 buckets
- SAM uses CloudFormation to manage resources. Thus to see the created resources, login to your AWS CloudFormation management and open the item with name
- Clean Architecture Analysis
- Sample fetching data with resolve token
- Clean Architecture -
- AWS Serverless Application Model -
- Set up a Proxy Integration with a Proxy Resource -
- CucumberJS -
- IstanbulJS -
- AWS Serverless Express -
- Introduction to WebAuthn API -