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Some custom Gym environments for reinforcement learning.


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Custom Gym Environments

Some custom Gym environments for reinforcement learning.

Installation and environment registration (Pybullet-based environments)

git clone
cd custom_gym_envs/
conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate gym_envs
pip install -e .   # to register the Gym environmnents locally

Installation of the ROS-based environments

  1. Install ROS Melodic

  2. Create and initialise your Catkin workspace.

  3. Install the dependencies for the Kinova-ros package, as indicated here.

sudo apt-get install ros-<distro>-gazebo-ros-control
sudo apt-get install ros-<distro>-ros-controllers*
sudo apt-get install ros-<distro>-trac-ik-kinematics-plugin
sudo apt-get install ros-<distro>-effort-controllers 
sudo apt-get install ros-<distro>-joint-state-controller 
sudo apt-get install ros-<distro>-joint-trajectory-controller 
sudo apt-get install ros-<distro>-controller-*

(replace <distro> by your ROS distribution, for example kinetic or melodic)

  1. Install ROS packages and create simulation workspace
mkdir -p ~/simulation_ws/src
cp -r custom_gym_envs/ROS_packages/openai_ros ~/simulation_ws/src

# Alternatively, clone original repository and checkout version2
# git clone
# cd openai_ros
# git checkout version2

cd ~/simulation_ws/
source devel/setup.bash

Check that you see something like:

cp -r custom_gym_envs/ROS_packages/custom_ROS_envs/ ~/catkin_ws/src
cd ~/catkin_ws
  1. Edit ros_ws_abspath

In each config folder, edit the yaml file and change the ros_ws_abspath to match your path: "/home/user/simulation_ws". For example:

vim ~/catkin_ws/src/custom_ROS_envs/cartpole3d_env/config/cartpole3d_random_params.yaml
  1. Source and load rospack profile

In a new shell, execute:

cd ~/simulation_ws
source devel/setup.bash
rospack profile

In your main shell, execute:

cd ~/catkin_ws
source devel/setup.bash
rospack profile

Test the ROS-based environments

roslaunch cartpole3d_env start_training_cartpole3d_random.launch
roslaunch turtlebot2_maze_env start_turtlebot2_maze_random.launch
roslaunch turtlebot2_wall_env start_turtlebot2_wall_random.launch

Test the Pybullet environments

Execute scripts in the test_envs folder. For example:

python test_envs/

Test the Jaco Reach environments in Gazebo

First, execute the ROS launch in a separate terminal:

roslaunch kinova_gazebo robot_launch_render.launch kinova_robotType:=j2n6s300  # Gazebo simulation
# OR
roslaunch kinova_bringup kinova_robot.launch kinova_robotType:=j2n6s300   # Physical arm

Then execute the test script in the test_envs folder. For example:

python test_envs/

Note, the kinova-ros package was adapted from the official package.

Environments description

Name Action space Observation space Rewards
balancebot-v0 Discrete(9): used to define wheel target velocity Box(3,): [cube orientation , cube angular velocity , wheel velocity] 0.1 - abs(self.vt - self.vd) * 0.005
particle-v0 Box(2,): [force_x, force_y] Dict("achieved_goal": [coord_x, coord_y], "desired_goal": [coord_x, coord_y], "observation": [pos_x, pos_y, vel_x, vel_y]) - dist (dense) or bool(dist <= distance_threshold) (sparse)
Reacher2Dof-v0 Box(2,): [0.05 * torque_1, 0.05 * torque_2] Box(8,): [target_x, target_y, dist_to_target_x, dist_to_target_y, joint0_angle, joint0_vel, joint1_angle, joint1_vel [change in dist to target, electricity_cost, stuck_joint_cost]
Reacher2Dof-v1 Box(2,): [0.05 * torque_1, 0.05 * torque_2] Dict("achieved_goal": [tip_x, tip_y], "desired_goal": [target_x, target_y], "observation": same as above ) - dist
widowx_reacher-v5 Box(6,): [angle_change_joint1, angle_change_joint2, angle_change_joint3, angle_change_joint4, angle_change_joint5, angle_change_joint6] Box(9,): [target_x, target_y, target_z, joint_angle1, joint_angle2, joint_angle3, joint_angle4, joint_angle5, joint_angle6] - dist ^ 2
widowx_reacher-v7 Box(6,): [angle_change_joint1, angle_change_joint2, angle_change_joint3, angle_change_joint4, angle_change_joint5, angle_change_joint6] Dict("achieved_goal": [tip_x, tip_y, tip_z], "desired_goal": [target_x, target_y, target_z], "observation": same as above ) - dist ^ 2
ReachingJaco-v1 Box(7,): [joint1_angle + 0.05 * action1, joint2_angle + 0.05 * action2, joint3_angle + 0.05 * action3, joint4_angle + 0.05 * action4, joint5_angle + 0.05 * action5, joint6_angle + 0.05 * action6, joint7_angle + 0.05 * action7] Box(17,): [gripper_x - torso_x, gripper_y - torso_y, gripper_z - torso_z, gripper_x - target_x, gripper_y - target_y, gripper_z - target_z, joint_angle1, joint_angle2, joint_angle3, joint_angle4, joint_angle5, joint_angle6, joint_angle7, gripper_orient_x, gripper_orient_y, gripper_orient_z, gripper_orient_w] - dist
CartPoleStayUp-v0 Discrete(2): 0 = "move cart to position - pos_step (move left)" or 1 = "move cart to position + pos_step (move right)" Box(4,): [base_position, base_velocity, pole_angle, pole_velocity] if not done: reward = reward_pole_angle + reward_for_effective_movement else reward = -2000000
MyTurtleBot2Maze-v0 Discrete(3): 0 = "move forward", 1 = "turn left", 2 = "turn right" Box(6,): [laser_scan array] if not done: reward = +5 (forward) or +1 (turn) else reward = -200
MyTurtleBot2Wall-v0 Discrete(3): 0 = "move forward", 1 = "turn left", 2 = "turn right" Box(7,): [discretized_laser_scan, odometry_array] if not done: reward = +5 (forward) or +1 (turn) ; if distance_difference < 0: reward = +5 ; if done and in desired_position: reward = +200 else reward = -200
JacoReachGazebo-v1 Box(6,): [joint_angle_array] Box(12,): [joint_angle_array, joint_angular_velocity_array] - dist
JacoReachGazebo-v2 Box(1,): [angle1_increment] Box(4,): [joint1_angle, target_x, target_y, target_z] - dist

Balance Bot (Pybullet)

A simple Pybullet robot. The goal is to maintain the cube upwards as long as possible. Adapted from this repo.

Environment name:

  • balancebot-v0
  • balancebot-noise-v0


A Goal Env (for testing Hindsight Experience Replay) where a red particle must reach the green target in a 2D plane. The particle is controlled by force. Adapted from here

Environment name:

  • particle-v0

Reacher2D (Pybullet)

An articulated arm in a 2D plane composed of 1 to 6 joints. The goal is to bring the tip as close as possible to the target sphere. Adapted from this repo.

Environment name:

  • Reacher1Dof-v0
  • Reacher2Dof-v0
  • Reacher3Dof-v0
  • Reacher4Dof-v0
  • Reacher5Dof-v0
  • Reacher6Dof-v0
  • Reacher1Dof-v1 (goalEnv)
  • Reacher2Dof-v1 (goalEnv)
  • Reacher3Dof-v1 (goalEnv)
  • Reacher4Dof-v1 (goalEnv)
  • Reacher5Dof-v1 (goalEnv)
  • Reacher6Dof-v1 (goalEnv)

WidowX arm (Pybullet)

The WidowX robotic arm in Pybullet. The goal is to bring the tip as close as possible to the target sphere. Adapted from this repo.

Environment name:

  • widowx_reacher-v0 (env for both the physical arm and the Pybullet simulation)
  • widowx_reacher-v1 (env for the physical arm only)
  • widowx_reacher-v2 (env for the physical arm only + no start_rospy method)
  • widowx_reacher-v3 (env for the physical arm only + no start_rospy method + goal oriented)
  • widowx_reacher-v4 (env for the Pybullet simulation only. ROS install not required)
  • widowx_reacher-v5 (env for the Pybullet simulation + no start_sim required + fixed goal)
  • widowx_reacher-v6 (env for the Pybullet simulation + no start_sim required + goal_oriented + fixed goal)
  • widowx_reacher-v7 (env for the Pybullet simulation + no start_sim required + random goal)
  • widowx_reacher-v8 (env for the Pybullet simulation + no start_sim required + goal_oriented + random goal)
  • widowx_reacher-v12 (env for the physical arm only + no start_rospy method + random goal)
  • widowx_reacher-v13 (env for the physical arm only + no start_rospy method + goal environment + random goal)

Jaco arm (Pybullet)

The Jaco arm in Pybullet. The goal is to bring the tip as close as possible to the target sphere. Adapted from this repo.

Environment name:

  • ReachingJaco-v1

Cartpole3D (ROS / Gazebo)

The Cartpole in ROS / Gazebo. The goal is to balance the pole upwards as long as possible. Adapted from this repo.

Environment name:

  • CartPoleStayUp-v0

Turtlebot2 Maze (ROS / Gazebo)

The Turtlebot2 robot in ROS / Gazebo. The goal is to avoid touching the walls. Adapted from this repo.

Environment name:

  • MyTurtleBot2Maze-v0

Turtlebot2 Wall (ROS / Gazebo)

The Turtlebot2 robot in ROS / Gazebo. The goal is to avoid touching the wall. Adapted from this repo.

Environment name:

  • MyTurtleBot2Wall-v0

Jaco arm (ROS / Gazebo)

The Jaco arm in ROS / Gazebo. The goal is to bring the tip as close as possible to the target sphere.

Environment name:

  • JacoReachGazebo-v0 (Jaco arm in Gazebo with Topics)
  • JacoReachGazebo-v1 (Jaco arm in Gazebo with actionlib)
  • JacoReachGazebo-v2 (Jaco arm in Gazebo with actionlib + fixed target + only 1 joint moving + angle change)
  • JacoReachReal-v0 (Physical Jaco arm env)

Minimal Working Example: GymEnv and GoalEnv

Environment name:

  • foo-v0 (GymEnv)
  • my_goal_env-v0 (goalEnv)

Tic-Tac-Toe environment

Environment name:

  • tictac-v0

Tested on

  • conda 4.8.3
  • Python 3.7


Some custom Gym environments for reinforcement learning.







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