What do I need to do?
Step 1.) Download the project from Github and compile it with Xcode.
Step 2.) Fix file ownership and permissions.
sudo chown -R root:wheel AppleIntelInfo.kext
sudo chmod -R 755 AppleIntelInfo.kext
Step 3.) Load AppleIntelInfo.kext?
sudo kextload AppleIntelInfo.kext
or with
sudo kextutil AppleIntelInfo.kext
Warning: Do not copy the kext to: /System/Library/Extensions or /Library/Extensions and do not inject it with help of the boot loader!
Step 4.) Unload AppleIntelInfo.kext?
sudo kextunload AppleIntelInfo.kext
Where can I find the output?
The output of AppleIntelInfo.kext can be found with
sudo cat /tmp/AppleIntelInfo.dat
Note: This has changed in version 1.2 (data no longer added to /var/log/system.log)
There are five (5) settings that you can change in AppleIntelInfo.kext/Contents/Info.plist:
All set to YES by default.
All possible bugs (so called 'issues') should be filed at:
Please do not use my blog for this. Thank you!