This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.
First, in the project directory, you can run:
Set up the dependencies.
Copy example.env.local
to .env.local
and configure your
- AWS Key ID
- AWS Key Secret
- AWS Route 53 Host Zone ID (where you want instance to have DNS records)
- AWS Base Region (where you will be creating your set of AMIs)
Next, be sure your AWS user (defined by your Key ID) has appropriate permissions. I have included src/awsGroupPolicy.json
as a template for you to copy/paste into an IAM Group Policy that you can apply to you users/groups. You can simply make an admin user, but I personally discourage that.
Setup an EC2 instance (I use an Ubuntu AMI provided by AWS) and install automatic security updates and squid
and pivpn
and so on and on. Once it is set like you like it, power down the instance from the AWS Console and select "Actions > Image > Create Image." This will create your own AMI in your currently selected region. This region should be defined in your .env.local
as your "base_region." This is important for cloning purposes in the application. Once the AMI is finished you keep the EC2 instance or toss it.
Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.
The page will reload if you make edits.
You will also see any lint errors in the console.