Group manager for small and medium-sized civil organizations. You can manage with it the members' data, membership types, fees and events.
Table of Contents
Clone the repo
git clone
Install Java version 17 or higher
Install Apache Maven or IDE with built-in Maven support
Install an integrated development environment(IDE) - IntelliJ IDEA
Install PostgreSQL
Create a database in PostgreSQL
Create a .env file in the root folder with the following properties:
✅ DB_NAME=your database name
✅ DB_USER_NAME=your username
✅ DB_PW=your password
✅ DB_HOST=(probably localhost)
✅ DB_PORT=your db port
✅ JWT_SECRET=your secret key
✅ JWT_EXPIRATION=the expiration in ms for a login session to end
Run the application by the "Run" button in the top right corner or with Shift + F10 shortcut
Navigate to the frontend folder in terminal
cd .\frontend
Install the frontend packages
npm install
Start the application
npm start
- Under construction