💪 Host on Repit: Repl.it Fork
1. Install node.js v16+ or higher
2. Download this repo and unzip it | or git clone it
3. Install all of the packages with npm install
| the important packages are npm install discord.js enmap
4. Fill in the parameters, RIGHT in config.json
! (Recommand in .env
5. Take the TOKEN
from Developer Portal!
6. Take MongoDB_TOKEN
from MongoDB
7. Take spotify_clientID
& spotify_clientSecret
from Spotify API
8. Take giphy_API
from Giphy
9. Take google_API
from Google API
10. Take google_Engine_id
from Google Engine Id
11. start the bot with node ./structures/bot.js
You can always Support me by inviting one of my own Discord Bots
Milanio | Jerry Music | Sound Wave
If consider using this Code, make sure to credit me!