PlayThing is a microblogging platform.
At the moment, Plaything is being developed as a standalone product, not really an add-on. It can do bad things to existing sites. In short don't install this on a production site if you care about the data.
Click the Heroku button below to try out Plaything. Be up and running in 5 minutes.
During installation on Heroku we do some fancy rewriting with the virtual hosting infrastructure, to benefit from this we recommend that the App Name
and the SITE_NAME
be set to the same value (ie. if you name your app "cool-app", then set SITE_NAME to "cool-app" also).
Free Heroku instances are definitely NOT FOR PRODUCTION, JUST FOR TESTING.
One way to get started on development is to use the Plaything Cloud9 installer.
Go to and create a new workspace cloning from
This will install dependencies and setup a PlayThing site.
bin/instance fg
You can view the running site by going to "Preview" > "Preview Running Application"
You can visit [yourplaythingsite]/posts to view all your posts or view posts by year or month e.g. [yourplaythingsite]/posts/2015 or [yourplaythingsite]/posts/2015/12
Builtin discussion system which includes basic captcha support to prevent spam.
Tag your posts and view them organized by tag.
A collection
is a special way of automatically organizing posts based on
date, type, creator or whatever. You can even treat each collection as
if it were a separate microblog. For the more discriminating you may prefer
"physically" group specific posts into their own folder
based on your intended purpose.
Out of the box PlayThing allows multiple blog users
A blog post can be any of the following types: Photos, News Items, Links, Files or Events.
Embed videos or other media
Some times the existing post types just don't cut it. You may need a "customer testimonial" or "case study", just create your own custom post type add you'll have it for your PlayThing site.
Add a page and make it your home page, so PlayThing can be your website
PlayThing is built on a NoSQL platform which makes it immune to all too common SQL Injection Attacks.
Your developer friends will be happy too because we provide a restful API out of the box.
Full documentation for end users will be hosted at (really soon)
Install plaything.core by adding it to your buildout:
[buildout] ... eggs = plaything.core
and then running bin/buildout
- Issue Tracker:
- Source Code:
- Documentation:
If you are having issues, please let us know. We have a mailing list located at:
The project is licensed under the GPLv2.