This is a Conference Monitoring Project based on Image Recognition that uses Rust Language and AWS Rekognition service to get the level of image similarity. The project can be run on the Raspberry Pi by cross compiling the existing project, details of which are given in the Readme. This project is in the form of Web-Services.
As this project is based on Image Recognition, so here:
- Each attendee's image will be stored in the database at the time of registration for a Conference.
- At the time of the conference, all the images are compared with the clicked image of the conference.
- If a registered attendee is present in the conference then its status will update to Present else status will remain Absent and a mail is sent to attendee's email address by specifying the absent status.
We thrive for the best and want you to contribute towards a better Project. See
for giving your valuable feedbacks and contributions.
Building this project requires rustup, version 1.8.0 or more recent.
If you have an older version, run rustup self update
To install on Windows, download and run rustup-init.exe
then follow the onscreen instructions.
To install on other systems, run:
curl -sSf | sh
This will also download the current stable version of Rust, which this project won’t use. To skip that step, run instead:
curl -sSf | sh -s -- --default-toolchain none
wget -qO - | sudo apt-key add -
sudo apt-get install gnupg
sudo apt-get install -y mongodb-org
sudo service mongod start
For more information on MongoDB, refer to the MongoDB Manual MONGODB MANUAL
is required by AWS which should match your Bucket's region.
You are required to add the same region in which you have your Bucket.
export Region=$YOUR_REGION
is the bucket that stores all the clicked images.
export Clicked_Image_Bucket=$BUCKET_NAME
is the path to the clicked image that is taken by the camera of Raspberry Pi.
export Clicked_Image_Path=$CLICKED_IMAGE_PATH
refers to the socket where the MongoDB runs.
is required for loggers.
export RUST_LOG=$Project_Name=Log_Level
git clone
cd conf_count
cargo build
The binary would be saved in /target/debug/conf_count
Run cargo build --target=armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabihf
to get a cross compiled binary in /target/armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabihf/debug/conf_count
Then follow the instructions in the application.