Hall Booking API
This documentation is about the Hall Booking application done using NodeJS and Express. This API allows you to manage room bookings, create rooms, and retrieve booking details.
Base URL: https://nodejs-hallbooking-gshy.onrender.com
Packages installed:
Express: npm i express Cors: npm i cors Nodemon: npm i nodemon
- GET All Rooms Detais
URL: http://localhost:4000/rooms/list
List Rooms with Booking Data
Description: Retrives and displays the room json data using get method. URL: /rooms/list Method: GET Example: http://localhost:4000/rooms/list
- POST Create New Room
URL: http://localhost:4000/rooms/create
Description: Creates a new room with details about the room.
URL: /rooms/create
Method: POST
Example: http://localhost:4000/rooms/create
- GET Display User Details
URL: http://localhost:4000/users/list
Display User Details
Description: Retrieves and displays a list of all customers and their details.
Method: GET
URL: /users/list
Example: http://localhost:4000/users/list
- GET Display Booking data
URL: http://localhost:4000/users/count/1
Display Booking Data
Description: Retrieves and displays a list of all bookings made.
Method: GET
URL: /bookings/list
Example: http://localhost:4000/users/count/1
- POST New Booking
URL: http://localhost:4000/bookings/book
New Booking
Description: Books a room for a customer on a specific date and time.
Method: POST
URL: /bookings/book
Example: http://localhost:4000/bookings/book
Postman Documentation link: https://documenter.getpostman.com/view/35182338/2sA3QsBYX1