JavaScript api endpoint wrapper for communicating with stanford-ner server
- Have Java jdk 1.8 installed and in your path, stanford-ner requires java 1.8
- Install dependencies
a. manually install stanford-ner from website place in project directory
b. runnpm install
If no errors then you have set everything up correctly
run these commands to start java server
java -Djava.ext.dirs=./lib -cp stanford-ner.jar -port 9191 -loadClassifier ./classifiers/english.muc.7class.distsim.crf.ser.gz -tokenizerFactory edu.stanford.nlp.process.WhitespaceTokenizer -tokenizerOptions tokenizeNLs=false -outputFormat slashTags
change -port 9191
to whatever port you want the stanford-ner server to be listening to
var ner = require('ner-server');
var text = "The fate of Lehman Brothers, the beleaguered investment bank, \
hung in the balance on Sunday as Federal Reserve officials and the leaders of \
major financial institutions continued to gather in emergency meetings trying \
to complete a plan to rescue the stricken bank. Several possible plans emerged \
from the talks, held at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and led by Timothy R. Geithner, \
the president of the New York Fed, and Treasury Secretary Henry M. Paulson Jr."
9191, text,
function(err, tags){
console.log('cli tags: '+JSON.stringify(tags)+'\n');
'localhost', 9191, text,
function(err, res){
console.log('post tags: '+JSON.stringify(res.tags)+'\n');
Example return object
3class returns Person, Location, Organization
4class return 3class + Misc
7class returns 3class + Money, Percent, Date, Time
entities : {<br>
Misc:'4class Only',<br>
Money:'7class Only',<br>
Percent:'7class Only',<br>
Date:'7class Only',<br>
Time:'7class Only'<br>