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regan008 edited this page Dec 17, 2014 · 14 revisions

###Step 1: Install and Activate Plugin

  1. Install and Activate PressForward from your WordPress Plugins menu.
  • Click Add New and search for "PressForward and click Install Now then Activate, or

  • Upload via FTP:

###Step 2: Add RSS/ATOM Feeds and OPML Files

  1. Choose the Add Feeds tab in the PressForward menu.
  2. Add a feed URL or OPML file under Subscribe to Feeds.
  3. Click Save Options.

###Step 3: Read, Discuss, and Nominate Content Posts from added feeds will populate the All Content panel. Use the PressForward toolbar to see additional information, star items, add a comment, and nominate items to share on your site. To read and nominate posts:

  1. Select the All Content tab from the PressForward menu to review items.
  2. Click on a title from the All Content panel to read the full text in Reader View or follow the embedded link to view the original item.
  3. Navigate between items with the forward and backward arrows.
  4. Click Submit Response or Add Comment to respond to an item.
  5. Click the Single Arrow in the toolbar to Nominate an item, sending it to Nominated.

###Step 4: Select Content and Send to Draft

  1. Open the Nominated panel and find your item.
  2. Click the title to open an item in Reader View.
  3. Click the Double Arrow in the PressForward toolbar to send a selected item to Draft.

###Step 5: Format and Publish a Post

  1. Find drafts in the WordPress Posts panel.
  2. Edit, format, and publish content as you would any other post in WordPress.
  3. A link to the original site of publication will be inserted at the bottom of each post discovered through PressForward. Consider using this link to attribute work to its original site of publication.