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Upgrading from ZeroBin 0.19 Alpha

El RIDO edited this page Dec 19, 2019 · 7 revisions

This upgrade guide is intended for installations of ZeroBin version 0.19 Alpha and has been tested with the latest commit of Sébastien SAUVAGE as of the time of this writing.

As was discovered in #551 the PrivateBin releases using the WebCrypto API instead of the SJCL library can't decrypt the 0.19 pastes anymore that used the AES-CCM mode. Therefore the latest PrivateBin release compatible with 0.19 pastes is 1.2.1.


  1. As always when upgrading or otherwise changing your files manually, please create a backup of your installation before proceeding.

  2. Optional: If your service is popular and frequently used, it might be nice to announce the service interruption to your users, i.e. by adding a message into the note block of tpl/page.html. If you have the possibility you could disable the access to your site in your hosting configuration while you perform the actual upgrade.

  3. Download the 1.2.1 release of PrivateBin.

  4. Optional: If you don't have the URL of a current paste in your installation, you might want to create one before the upgrade to be able to test if it still works afterwards.

Upgrade Process

  1. Remove all files from your document root folder, except for the data directory. It contains the pastes, their discussions, the server salt (used to create valid deletion links) and the traffic limiter rules.

  2. If you want to keep the current traffic limiter rules, rename "data/trafic_limiter.php" into "data/traffic_limiter.php".

  3. Upload the contents of the archive you downloaded in "Preparations" step 3. into your document root.

  4. Copy the newly created file cfg/conf.ini.sample into cfg/conf.ini and edit it with a text editor:

  5. Change the setting base64version to "1.7". This is required so that all your existing pastes can still be decoded correctly by the base64-javascript-library.

  6. Suggested: The already existing pastes will now fall back to the defaultformatter setting. Leave it on "plaintext", to keep these displayed in the same style as they were in 0.19 Alpha.

  7. Optional: If you prefer to use the classic ZeroBin design instead of the new bootstrap-based one, change the setting template to "page" and uncomment the syntaxhighlightingtheme setting.

  8. Optional: You might not want to enable all the new features by default. Review and change any other configuration options to your liking. Detailed descriptions of the options can be found in the configuration guide. Note that there is currently not yet a way to migrate a data folder based installation into a database one.


  1. Optional: If you disabled the access to your website during the upgrade, you can reenable it again.

  2. Test your service, i.e. with a previously created paste. Create a new paste, view it, delete one with the delete-link. Typical problems you might encounter are permission problems: Make sure your webservers user has the permission to write into both the data and tmp directories in the document root.

  3. Suggested: For added security you might consider to move any non necessary folders out of the document root. More details on this can be found in the advanced installation guide.