This is a very simple sample Python Flask app for serving the ERC721 metadata for the OpenSea creatures ERC721 contracts, as specified in the OpenSea developer docs.
You'll need a machine with Python 3 installed.
You'll need a Google Cloud Storage account with a project, bucket, and credentials.
Create a .env file with the following:
export GOOGLE_STORAGE_PROJECT="<your_project>"
export GOOGLE_STORAGE_BUCKET="<your_bucket>"
Place your Google cloud storage credentials in a file called credentials/google-storage-credentials.json
Create a virtualenv with Python3 and run pip install -r requirements.txt
Run the API with python
and hit http://localhost:5000/api/creature/1
To deploy on Heroku, set the GOOGLE_STORAGE_PROJECT
environment variables on your Heroku instance and deploy by pushing to your Heroku remote.