We recommend you using the paynl-sdk instead of this one. This holds possible breaking changes.
!!!Use at your own risk!!!
SDK for PAY.nl allowing you to manage your PAY.nl transactions in nodeJS
npm install paynl-sdk --save
- Require 'paynl-sdk' in your file.
var Paynl = require('paynl-sdk');
- Register for a PAY.nl account at: pay.nl?register
- In the PAY.nl admin panel, navigate to Manage -> Services and click the SL-code on the left.
- From the popup use the apitoken and serviceId, and configure them in the SDK.
Some of the basic examples are listed here, for the full list of examples, please take a look at the samples directory here
All examples start with requiring paynl-sdk and setting the apitoken and serviceId.
var Paynl = require('paynl-sdk');
This example shows how to fetch a list of the available payment methods.
The method Paynl.Paymentmethods.getList()
returns an observable array.
For more information about observables see reactivex.io
function(paymentmethod) {
console.log(paymentmethod.id + ' ' + paymentmethod.visibleName);
.catch(error => {
This example shows the minimum required attributes to start a transaction. The full version with all supported options is located here
//the amount in euro
amount: 19.95,
//we redirect the user back to this url after the payment
returnUrl: "https://my-return-url.com/return",
//the ip address of the user
ipAddress: ''
function (result) {
//redirect the user to this url to complete the payment
// the transactionId, use this to fetch the transaction later
function (error) {
The following example shows how to fetch a transaction.
// some examples of what you can do with the result
if (result.isPaid()) {
console.log('The transaction is paid');
// refund a part of the transaction
amount: 0.5,
description: '50 cents refund'
if (result.isCanceled()) {
console.log('Tranasaction is canceled, restock the items');
if (result.isBeingVerified()) {
console.log('Transaction needs to be verified first, possible fraud');
result.decline(); //decline the transaction
result.approve(); //approve the transaction
Before you can send a transaction, you need to know which terminal to send the transaction to.
.forEach(function (terminal) {
console.log(terminal.id + ' ' + terminal.name);
.catch(function (error) { return console.error(error); });
An instore transaction is started in the same way as a normal transaction with the addition of a terminalId. After the transaction has been started, you can use the terminalStatusUrl to get the status of the transaction.
// Start transaction and send to the terminal
amount: 0.01,
paymentMethodId: 1927,
//returnUrl and ipAddres are not used for instore payments, but are mandatory
returnUrl: "not_applicable",
ipAddress: "",
terminalId: "TH-####-####"
//when the transaction is started, get the status
function (transaction) {
function getStatus(statusUrl) {
Paynl.Instore.getTransactionStatus(statusUrl).subscribe(function (status) {
console.log("isFinal: ", status.isFinal);
console.log("status: ", status.status);
console.log("txId: ", status.txId);
console.log("terminal: ", status.terminal);
console.log("ssai: ", status.ssai);
console.log("isCanceled: ", status.isCanceled);
console.log("isApproved: ", status.isApproved);
console.log("isError: ", status.isError);
console.log("needsSignature: ", status.needsSignature);
console.log("amount: ", status.amount);
console.log("approvalId: ", status.approvalId);
console.log("cardBrandIdentifier: ", status.cardBrandIdentifier);
console.log("cardBrandLabelName: ", status.cardBrandLabelName);
console.log("incidentCode: ", status.incidentCode);
console.log("incidentCodeText: ", status.incidentCodeText);
console.log("receipt: ", status.receipt);
}, function (error) {
}, function () {
This SDK can also add direct debit transactions. Only amount, bankaccountHolder and bankaccountNumber are mandatory, the rest of the arguments are optional.
amount: 0.01,
bankaccountHolder: "N Name",
bankaccountNumber: "NL00RABO0000012345678",
// optional
bankaccountBic: "RABONL2U",
processDate: new Date("2018-03-01"),
description: "Uw omschrijving",
ipAddress: "",
email: "a@a.nl",
promotorId: 1234,
tool: "tool",
info: "info",
object: "object",
extra1: "extra1",
extra2: "extra2",
extra3: "extra3",
currency: "EUR",
exchangeUrl: "https://your-exchange.url",
}).subscribe(function (mandateId) {
console.log("The mandateId is: " + mandateId);
}, function (error) {
console.error("Error " + error);
Fetch a DirectDebit transaction to fetch the status.
Paynl.DirectDebit.get('IO-####-####-####').subscribe(function (transaction) {