npm install @jacekpietal/object-pool --save
const ObjectPool = require("@jacekpietal/object-pool");
const pool = new ObjectPool(
// you should provide this function
function factory() {
// that returns a new object instance
// can be async
// will return value from pool
// if pool empty uses factory function
const object = pool.get();
// returns value to the pool
// prints 1
// removes value from pool
// prints 0
// pre-fills pool up to size
// useful I think only for async functions
pool.size = 100;
// empties pool
pool.size = 0;
// size manipulations do trigger as required
// `put` and `delete` events for each change
If you want to use async functions be sure to put the same thing you get from the pool.
const pool = new ObjectPool(async () => "value");
async function test() {
const once = pool.get();
const value1 = await once;
// put back the promise reference
const again = pool.get();
const value2 = await again;
// prints:
// {
// once: Promise { 'value' },
// again: Promise { 'value' },
// value1: 'value',
// value2: 'value'
// }
console.log({ once, again, value1, value2 });
// all actions are accompanied by EventEmitter events"get", (value) => {
console.log({ get: value });
});"put", (value) => {
console.log({ put: value });
});"delete", (value) => {
console.log({ delete: value });
pool.get(); // returns get value from pool
pool.put(object); // puts put value to end of pool
pool.delete(object); // deletes object from pool manually
Please check tests for more complicated cases:
$ yarn test
yarn run v1.22.5
$ jest
PASS ./index.spec.js
GIVEN ObjectPool instance
✓ THEN It should create (2 ms)
WHEN pool.get is called
✓ THEN even if pool.size is 0 (1 ms)
✓ THEN It should return new instance of factory call
✓ THEN events.get should be emitted (1 ms)
WHEN pool.put is called
✓ THEN pool.size should be greater than 0 afterwards
✓ THEN events.put should be emitted (1 ms)
WHEN promise is `put` and then `get` again
✓ THEN it still works as expected (1502 ms)
WHEN pool.size is set to 0 on non-empty pool
✓ THEN events.delete should be emitted for each item (1 ms)
WHEN pool.size is set
✓ THEN pool size adjusts and is being filled accordingly (2 ms)
✓ THEN pool size adjusts and is being trimmed accordingly (1 ms)
Test Suites: 1 passed, 1 total
Tests: 10 passed, 10 total
Snapshots: 0 total
Time: 2.668 s
Ran all test suites.
Done in 3.41s.