First public Sonolus api to manage user generated background, effect, engine, level, particle and skin. Sure it accepts user upload and, able to deliver the contents to sonolus client.
- Firebase firestore
- This api uses it as database backend.
- Firebase Authorization
- This api depends it to verify the user.
- Memory
- This api caches the whole firestore data in memory.
- I recommend bigger memory, if you try to make big community.
- Frontend(probably required)
- This api does not have method to register account to firebase authorization
- If you don't use this api as only for one user, you need frontend
- You can use sonolus-uploader or make your own frontend.
- Go 1.15.6 or higher is required.
Some sonolus community uses static files to deliver their sonolus contents. It has risk to break whole db by conflict or typo when changing, and also hard to add new contents. With this api and frontend, they don't need to care to make breaking change anymore.
This server was generated by the openapi-generator project. By using the OpenAPI-Spec from a remote server, you can easily generate a server stub. To see how to make this your own, look these: README / ServerSpec
- API version: 1.0
- Build date: 2021-05-19T23:54:50.576+09:00[Asia/Tokyo]
- For more information, please visit
Please see wiki sections.