This project contain solution and ideas for solutions for Hungry Geese competition on Kaggle (
Survive the longest number of turns by eating food to stay alive, and by not running into other segments of your own goose or other agent's geese.
classifier = torch.nn.Sequential(...) - A model for learning agents to do true actions
optim = torch.optim.Adam(classifier.parameters(), lr=1e-3) - Optimizer
loss = torch.nn.MSELoss() - Loss function
Method selecting the best solution for the maximum reward in episodes
def select_elites(states_batch, actions_batch, rewards_batch):
max_rew = np.argmax(rewards_batch, 1)
elite_state = []
elite_actions = []
for i, mr in enumerate(max_rew):
return elite_state, elite_actions
Method calc reward by rules:
- -0.1 points for step
- -0.5 points for lose length
- +1 points for add length
- -1 points for die
def calc_reward(session, count_geese):
rewards = [0] * count_geese
len_geese = [1] * count_geese
for k in range(count_geese):
for j in range(len(session)):
current_length = len(session[j][0].observation.geese[k])
if current_length == 0:
rewards[k] -= 100
rewards[k] -= 10
if current_length > len_geese[k]:
rewards[k] += 100
len_geese[k] = current_length
elif current_length < len_geese[k]:
rewards[k] -= 50
len_geese[k] = current_length
return rewards