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Dockerfile and instructions for running prerender on Dokku (+ filesystem cache plugin)


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This repository has a Dockerfile and instructions for running prerender on Dokku. You can easily enable official plugins (including a fixed version of blockRequests) and our prerender-plugin-fscache. It also comes with pm2 configured, so the server keeps on even if an unhandled exception occurs.

Note that pre-rendering is NOT the same as server-side rendering: pre-rendering just helps you get better SEO by serving a pre-rendered HTML version with data filled in, but it's not supposed to replace the user experience in the browser. To make it work you'll need:

  • A deployed prerender (this repository will help you deploy an instance to Dokku)
  • Change your Web server configuration to serve static files to regular users but reverse proxy to your prerender instance when the user-agent is from a search engine or social media robot. If you're serving your frontend using nginx, see Configuring Nginx for an example.

Run on your Dokku server:

# Change these variables as needed
ALLOWED_DOMAINS=""  # Change if needed (like has other domains/subdomains)
CACHE_PATH="/var/cache/prerender"  # Data path inside container for caching
CACHE_STATUS_CODES="200,301,302,303,304,307,308,404"  # Status codes where cache works (only GET requests are cached)
CACHE_TTL="86400"  # Cache time-to-live (in seconds)
PRERENDER_LOG_REQUESTS="false"  # Prerender is too noisy (enabling it is useful for debugging)
STORAGE_PATH="/var/lib/dokku/data/storage/$APP_NAME"  # Data path on host machine for caching

dokku apps:create $APP_NAME
dokku domains:set $APP_NAME $APP_DOMAIN
dokku storage:ensure-directory --chown heroku $APP_NAME
dokku storage:mount $APP_NAME "$STORAGE_PATH:$CACHE_PATH"
dokku letsencrypt:set $APP_NAME email $ADMIN_EMAIL

# Now, let's go to the prerender/plugin-specific env vars:
dokku config:set --no-restart $APP_NAME ALLOWED_DOMAINS=$ALLOWED_DOMAINS # Only if you'd like to enable domain allow list
dokku config:set --no-restart $APP_NAME CACHE_PATH=$CACHE_PATH # Only if you'd like to enable cache
dokku config:set --no-restart $APP_NAME CACHE_STATUS_CODES=$CACHE_STATUS_CODES
dokku config:set --no-restart $APP_NAME CACHE_TTL=$CACHE_TTL # Only if you'd like to enable cache
dokku config:set --no-restart $APP_NAME ENABLED_PLUGINS=$ENABLED_PLUGINS
dokku config:set --no-restart $APP_NAME PAGE_LOAD_TIMEOUT=30000

Note that prerender reads some environment variables and you can set them with dokku config:set $APP_NAME VAR=value. See the list of plugins in the section Available Plugins and the file system cache plugin environment variables in Cache settings.

Now, clone this repository on your local machine, add the Dokku host as a remote and push to it:

git clone
cd dokku-prerender
git remote add dokku dokku@<server-ip>:<app-name>
git push dokku main

Finally, generate the SSL certificate using Let's Encrypt and scale the number of containers if needed:

dokku letsencrypt:enable $APP_NAME
dokku ps:scale $APP_NAME web=2

Running locally

cp env.example .env
make start

The command below will build the container image using docker compose, configure directory permissions for cache volume and run the container.

Now, access http://localhost:3000/

Available Plugins

  • addMetaTags: Add x-prerender-render-id and x-prerender-render-at meta tags with debugging info
  • basicAuth: Requires HTTP auth (using BASIC_AUTH_USERNAME and BASIC_AUTH_PASSWORD)
  • blacklist: Block domains from BLACKLISTED_DOMAINS
  • blockResources: Ignore requests of images, fonts and to some domains (like Google Analytics)
  • browserForceRestart: Restart browser after BROWSER_FORCE_RESTART_PERIOD milliseconds (default: 3600000)
  • fscache: cache GET responses on filesystem. Only some status codes (CACHE_STATUS_CODES) are cached. Files are stored at CACHE_PATH and expires after CACHE_TIMEOUT seconds
  • httpHeaders: Transform prerender-status-code and prerender-header meta tags into response headers
  • removeScriptTags: Remove <script> (except for type='application/ld+json') and <link rel="import"> tags
  • sendPrerenderHeader: Add X-Prerender: 1 to request headers
  • whitelist: Render only pages from domains in ALLOWED_DOMAINS


The directory utils has some useful Python scripts:

  • from a prerender instance URL and a text file with URLs, this script will request all these URLs to the prerender server, so you end up with all of them cached.
  • scrape Facebook Share Debugger to refresh URLs from a text file. Will help creating previews when people share your links.

Configuring Nginx

If you're serving your static file on Nginx, you'll need to configure it to proxy the robot requests through your prerender instance. Check the file nginx-default.conf for an example (I curated a list of 68 robots, including search engines, social media and SEO metrics).


Dockerfile and instructions for running prerender on Dokku (+ filesystem cache plugin)







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