This repo contains code for contrastive ICA algorithms and code for comparing cICA algorithms to other algorithms in various datasets.,, are code from the paper 'Subspace power method for symmetric tensor decomposition and generalized PCA' by Joe Kileel and João M. Pereira. cICA_functions is code from the paper 'Identifiability of overcomplete ICA' by Kexin Wang and Anna Seigal.
The code for cICA algorithms is in the file The code for comparing cICA algorithms to other algorithms in various datasets is in the file numerical_experiments.ipynb. The code for pre-processing the monkey-human dataset provided by the paper 'Comparative single-cell transcriptomic analysis of primate brains highlights human-specific regulatory evolution' is in monkey_human.r and the code for applying cICA to the processed data is in monkey_human.ipynb.
Data availability: We upload the mouse protein data from the paper 'Self-organizing feature maps identify proteins critical to learning in a mouse model of down syndrome'. For other datasets, due to the large size, we provide links to download them.