This is a script designed to bounce Check_MK/OMD notifications into a Slack Channel, using Slacks Incoming Webhooks API.
Create an incoming webhook integration in your slack and note down the URL.
Put into /usr/(local/)share/check_mk/notifications (or ~/share/check_mk/notifications on OMD installs) directory and edit configuration variables in the 'slack' script, and make sure that the script is executable (chmod +x slack)
Create a user for slack in WATO, use flexible custom notifications and select 'CMK-Slack Websocket integration' as the notifier.
Select option "Call with the following parameters" and set your channel without "#". If you leave the parameter box in blank the channel takes "#monitoring" value.
- Wait for something to send an alert or generate a test alert.
I haven't tested this with Notification Bulking (In newer cmk releases), I assume it doesn't work. Where it has been used bulk notification setups, bulking for the slack script has been explicitly disabled.
if you want to test if you have configured the slack script correcty you can try:
export NOTIFY_PARAMETER_1=dennis-test
export NOTIFY_WHAT=""
To use it with the opensource alternative mattermost run those settings:
your api key url
slack_path = "/hooks/kderbmy7yjrr9p9qfwzto374sr"
your mattermost domain
slack_domain = ""