- in this read me I have shared my learnings.
- You can use npm create vite to start a project with vite.
- This template provides a minimal setup to get React working in Vite with HMR and some ESLint rules.
- Currently, two official plugins are available:
- @vitejs/plugin-react uses Babel for Fast Refresh
- @vitejs/plugin-react-swc uses SWC for Fast Refresh
- So when we install using vite no extra library gets installed. Hence we need to do npm i
- in vite we use
npm run dev
instead ofnpm start
- we also need to configure eslint:
npm i eslint vite-plugin-eslint eslint-config-react-app --save-dev
- after this we need toupdate eslintrc.json and vite.config.json files
- divide app into features
- divide apps into pages
- think about overall and page level UI
- break UI into components
- design asnd build static version
- divide the app into feature categories
- think about state management and dataflow
- decide th tech stack we need to use.
- user - global UI state
- menu - global remote state ( menu comes from API)
- cart - global
- order - global remote
- react router (render as you fetch instead of fetch on render) - routing + remote state management
- tailwindcss - styling
- redux - UI state manegement
- we will follow feature based folder structure
- for doing this you can download the starter boiler plate code.
- npm i react-router-dom
- hen we can use createBrowser router to create the paths
- and then we can return the routerprovider ad pass the routers as an argument
- AppLayout will be the parent compinent so it will also be in the parent route
- the child routes data is shown in the outlet.
- we create function to fetch data from some api
- then we provide that function to one of our routes, as soon as the application goes to that route.
- once the data is reached it will be provide to the component using a custom hook.
- so first we will create a loader function in menu.jsx that calls the api function.
- thn we will import that loader function and will add it into thr route path of menu
- then in the menu component we will use the
hook to import it.
- it tells whether the data is loading or is idle.
- we can use it to show the loader
- we can get the error using useRouteError() hook when their is some issue in the routing.
- useNavigate hook is different from usenavigation hook, it is used when we want to change the route based on cretain conditions.
- sor Form is a component provided by react router.
- so whenever we submit this Form, react router will automatically call the action function.
- lecture number 291 is important
- the action function will then the response that we submitted in the form using request.
- Then we can call the createorder function and then we can use
to direct us to the order page. - we need to use
instead of useNavigate hook because we usenvaigate can only be called inside a component function. - useActionData() hook is used to get the data that is returned by the action.
- we will be using tailwind to style our app
- npm i @reduxjs/toolkit react-redux
decreaseItemQuantity(state, action) { const item = state.cart.find((item) => item.pizzaId === action.payload); item.quantity--; item.totalprice = item.quantity * item.unitPrice; if (item.quantity === 0) { cartSlice.caseReducers.deleteItem(state, action); } },
- by doing this we can call one reducer function inside another reducer function.
- we can aslo directly use store reducer like store.dispatch(clearCart()); but we should not overuse it.
- redux by nature is synch, so in order to work with async code we can use thunks
- thunks is a middleware that sits between the dispatching and the reducer itself.
- in the PUT request we need to send the entire object, in the patch request we just need to send the data we want to update or add in the object.