Welcome to Cyalm! Although not a large bot, it has some very useful features. More features coming so stay tuned!
Invite: https://discord.com/oauth2/authorize?client_id=723716012121391144&permissions=3229760&scope=bot
To clone the repo and run the bot yourself, heres what you need:
Java 11 or higher
Python 3 or higher
Step 1:
Download Lavalink.jar from here
Make a file called application.yml and put it in the same directory as Lavalink.jar
Go into console and type java -jar Lavalink.jar
Step 2:
Edit the config.py file with your bot's token, postgresql info, and lavalink host/port/password from the application.yml
Step 3:
Run python3 -m pip install -U -r requirements.txt
Step 4:
Run python3 bot.py in a new console
And thats it!