It's almost 2022 and we are using radmind again...
This is a work in progress.
If you have questions or want to discuss this please do it on the radmind channel on the MacAdmins Slack.
Download and install docker-compose and docker.
git clone
cd radmind_docker
docker-compose up -d
- Install radmind tools.
- On the same machine open another terminal window.
- Make sure you can write to /var/radmind/client (try
touch /var/radmind/client/command.K
) ktcheck -c sha1 -h localhost -p 6222
If it all worked you should have a new file at /var/radmind/client/command.K and it's contents will be "# hi from radmind".
Inside the radmind folder you'll see a "config" file. Edit it to add computers. There's also the command folder and everything else. Oh the memories. It's a good thing I kept all of my old files.
Radmind only logs to syslog, not to files. There might be an easier way to get it to log to a file, but the best I could do was to use a second container running rsyslogd with omstdout, which outputs to stdout. I copied most of it from the jumanjihouse/docker-rsyslog repo.
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