- Built on React/Node.js Framework.
- MongoDB/server-side integration for future scaling and production.
- Depolyed on AWS, CICD pipeline to main brain repository.
- Compatible with all major browsers (IE8+), compatible Zepto.js and iPad.
- Support identification, interpretation, fliter of the HTML tags.
- Built mobile first and requires no sacrifices for any screen size interactions.
git fork & git clone
- fork and clone the repository on your machine.
npm i
- install depenedencies
- note: there have been issues with dependency conflicts. Although not preferred, install with --legacy-peer-deps may solve the issue for some.
npm run dev
- instantiate webpack, build and local development server.
- Integrate Shopify API and leverage developer tools to improve UI/UX.
- Implement MongoDB for larger scalling and information as the plaform requires it.
- Convert file formats (especially larger images) for faster loading time. Or implement lazy loading through React tools.
- Modularly manage releases and implement spotify API for more accurate and mutable information on the frontend.