Hi, I'm Vincent aka Raigyo. I'm a web developer.
I'm in the development since 2001 and I worked for more than 16 years in a web agency.
I followed a boot camp training in web development at Becode and a web design training at Sirius School.
I also develop in Unity since I made a traineeship in a company that was involved in VR applications.
And I have also given programming courses to trainees in php and javascript.
I recently took an ICT Business Analyst course at Technifutur and obtained the Professional Scrum Product Owner (PSPO1) certification.
To know more about my work and abilities, please visit my online portfolio or check my Github projects below, with direct links to the repositories.
📊 Weekly development statistics:
🔭 I’m currently working on: | 🚀 Latest development(s): |
Master Data Warehousing: Dimensional Modeling & ETL process. | Business Analyst: ShowCaseMe - Analyse fonctionnelle et cahier des charges d'un projet de réseau social de partage de portfolios. |
Business Analyst: Aéro-club - Analyse fonctionnelle et cahier des charges d'un projet de SI pour un aéro-club. |
- ShowCaseMe: Analyse fonctionnelle et cahier des charges d'un projet de réseau social de partage de portfolios (Labo final Technifutur).
- Aéro-club: Analyse fonctionnelle et cahier des charges d'un projet de SI pour un aéro-club (Labo Technifutur).
- My portfolio: It uses static HTML, Flex and media queries.
- La Fabrique: Branding, Design & Integration using Figma, Illustrator, HTML, CSS and JS.
- Énergem (revamping): Design & Integration using Figma, Illustrator, HTML, CSS and JS.
- Boostrap CSS Framework : Overview and showcase "Easy Job".
- Bulma CSS Framework: Overview and showcase websites "Site Immo" and "Portfolio".
- TailwindCSS: Overview and showcase website "SEOTOOL".
- Material Design: Materialize CSS, overview and portfolio project inspired from Google Material Design.
- CSS Animations: How to animate with CSS.
- CSS Flexbox: Basic layout using Flexbox.
- CSS Flexbox - Guide: Advanced use of Flexbox Layout Module.
- CSS Grid: Basics layout using Grid.
- CSS Grid - Guide: Advanced use of Grid layout.
- Mobirise: Showcase project for a band using Mobirise Free Website Builder.
- Bootstrap (Becode): Creation of a corporate website using Bootstrap.
- Behavior-driven development (BDD) - Node.js: Unit Testing using Mocha ☕️, Chai and SinonJS.
- SASS & SCSS: Overview of the CSS preprocessor (variables, nesting, mixins, inheritance...).
- Parcel, Module Bundler: How to configurate Parcel. Eslint+Prettier, Babel, SASS, CSS postprocessor...
- Webpack overview: Webpack configuration with Babel, Sass, Eslint, Dev Server...
- Webpack for React: Webpack with a focus on hot reload using Hot Module Replacement (HMR) in React with classes and persistant states during reload.
- Webpack for React (Hooks): React with hot reload using hooks.
- Canvas animations: Animations using Canvas and Javascript.
- Progressive web app: Progressive Web Apps: Service workers, Manifest, Cache, Notification Push, Background sync...
- Socket I/O - chat: Chat application using SocketIO.
- In the heart of Node: Node advanced concepts overview including events emitters, streams, transform...
- Web components: Web components overview using components displaying maps.
- Restful API: members: Restful API using NodeJS+Express and MySQL to manage a list of members. Backend and frontend part + Swagger and Gitbook documentation.
- D3.js: charts: Data-Driven Documents library, animated and dynamic charts using Firebase.
- Libray Management: REST API with Express.js using Mongoose ORM / MongoDB Atlas.
- Javascript for the web (Becode): Exercises about javascript for the web: use of Parcel.JS and strict mode, forms, API requests...
- React and Redux: fundamental and advanced: Application displaying articles from New-York Times using Redux, Hooks and Context API.
- Next JS - Full stack web application with Next.js, TypeScript and GraphQL: Medias sharing plateform using strongly typed Next.js (using Typescript), MongoDB, Apollo Client and Sever (GraphQL).
- JAMStack - Gatsby portfolio: Portfolio project with Gatsby to generate static site using Wordpress as headless CMS API and GraphQL.
- React Twitch clone using Hooks: Twitch clone using React with hooks and Twitch API v5.
- Online Store: Store made with React, Strapi headless CMS with GraphQL & Stripe for online payments.
- React Netflix: Clone of Netflix using Redux, React Router DOM, Firebase, Paypal (Sand Box), React Player, themoviedb API.
- Chatty: Real-Time Chat App with React and Google Firebase - Connection with Email, Github, Facebook or Google.
- Native: Tinder UI Clone: In this application, we can swipe between images that move or come back in their position like in Tinder app.
- Native: Facebook Login: Log to an app with a Facebook account.
- React 360 / React VR: Several applications using the Facebook React VR/360 library.
- Native: My Video Library (Becode): Video library mobile application using themoviedb API to retrieve movies. Use Redux and ejection concept (Expo to CLI). Then migration on Google Play.
- React hooks (Becode): Workshop by Matthieu Jasselette & Alexandre Bove.
- Character Manager (Becode): Characters manager with ReactJS (CRUD with API).
- Nest JS & Angular: CMS.
- Nest JS: todo: Nest overview: CRUD, Pipes, Interceptors and Guards.
- Pokémons app: Angular application of Pokémons from an empty folder, with Angular and TypeScript.
- MEAN Stack - Dev Blog: Blog for developers using Node and Express, MongoDB and Mongoose as ODM, and Angular on Client side (MEAN Stack).
- Restaurant Website: This application covers the basics concepts of Angular and RxJS: materials, reactive forms, observables...
- Vue + Vuetify: Todo app using Vue, Vuetify and VueX.
- Vue3 and composition API: Tasks manager with CRUD.
- Book Shop application: Online shop using VueX, Axios and JSon Server.
- Ideas manager / Kanban: Brainstorming with drag and drop using VueX.
- Contact Manager: Contact cards app using Google Cloud Firestore to store datas.
- Mini-blog: A Static Blog With Sapper And Strapi.
- Expense calculation application: Simple application to calculate expenses.
- Pokédex: Page displaying a list of Pokémons fetched from a Pokémon API.
- Svelte Overview: Svelte main concepts: stores, reactive methods, components lifecycle...
- Symfony 5: Monitoring application.
- Drupal: Bar Cat: A blog made with Drupal 9.
- Wordpress: Foo Dog (Becode): A blog made with Wordpress from scratch. All the features were developed in blank theme.
- API with Laravel (Becode): CRUD using Tinker, Unit testing, Web interface with CRUD.
- Basic configuration (Becode): installation of the Framework, featuring contact form to send an email and sending an image that will be hosted on the server.
- Three.js and TypeScript: Threejs, TypeScript and NodeJS to create interactive 3D content on the web.
- Three.js, TypeScript and SocketIO: Multiplayers Ball game.
- Three.js: 3D Programming with JavaScript and the Three.js 3D library.
- Archviz - Virtual Reality for Oculus Rift: Visit a non existing house in a realistic 3D environment. It's the VR version for the Oculus Rift of my 'Archviz' work.
- Archviz: Original house visit development. There are 3 modes: Hotspots mode, First Person Mode or Cinematic mode. You can select which mode you want to use in the main menu.
- A Forest: Original game development - 'A Forest'.
- Babylon.js: Online Multiplayer -First Personnal Shooter using SocketIO.
- Terminal Hacker: WebGL quiz made with Unity 3D.
- Workshop React Native: Workshop given with Lara Loicq to introduce React Native with Expo.
- Super Socket Fighter: Videogame online using React as client-side and Node.JS/Websockets/Socket IO as server-side.
- Event Manager - Event Dab: Event manager using React as front-end and Laravel that provides the API.
- Event Manager (fork) - Do Nut Events: Same application using React and Laravel but forked from the work of another group. Bugs had to be corrected and new features had to be implemented.
- Blog PHP: Client server application using PHP that allows users to post articles, comment them or delete them according their user rights. Using PHP Slim framework.
- Bad Ideas Kanban: Javascript CRUD and Api request. A group exercice for getting better at working together with Git.