- gdu.py is a convenient functions tool for data processing.
- tf_common.py is a high level and convenient wrapper for TensorFlow APIs, include some preveiling blocks.
DEMO1 - CLS: model.py & train.py
DEMO2 - SEQ2SEQ: modelt.py & traint.py
For using GDU module, you should follow these steps:
data format:
> sequence_source=sequence_label
> e.g.
> for CHAT, 你好=你也好啊!
> for CLS, 新华社消息……=2 # (2 is the id of news domain)
> for TAG, 中华人民站起来了=BEBEBIEE
For import module:
import gdu as g
For reading vocab:
vocab = g.read_vocab(VOCAB_PATH)
reverse_vocab = g.reverse_vacab(vocab)
If your data can be fully loaded in RAM, you could load data as the following:
source_label = g.read_contents(FILE_PATH, replace=' ', split='=')
source, label = g.unzip_tuple(source_label)
index = 0
for i in range(TRAIN_STEP):
eid, eil, did, dod, dol, need_shuffle, index = g.get_seq2seq_batch(source, label, 256, index, vocab)
if (need_shuffle):
source, label = g.unzip_tuple(g.shuffle(source_label))
If your data is too huge and can not be fully loaded into RAM, you can use {multinomial_read} to simulate a global shuffle.
newd = g.tear_to_pieces({'class1':['./data/class1.txt'],\
for i in range(TRAIN_STEP):
source_label = multinomial_read(newd, cache=1024, replace=' ', split='=')
source, label = unzip_tuple(source_label)
index = 0
need_shuffle = False
while (need_shuffle == False):
eid, eil, ld, need_shuffle, index = get_cls_batch(source=source, label=label, batch_size=8, index=index, vocab=vocab, fix_padding=40)
In tf_common module, we build lots of convenient tensorflow APIs and some preveiling NN blocks. e.g.:
- bahdanau_att, create bahdanau attention wrapper class.
- dselfatt, createt self-attention for dynamic sequence length.
- sselfatt, create self-attention for static sequence length.
- bi_gru, create a bi-direction GRU cell list.
- gelu & ngelu, gelu activation function from BERT and the one with normed operation.
- ...
- ...
You can use tf_common.flist()
to show all the functions and its' helping documents.
Additionally, we have some lovely LOG functions for beautifying you command-line.
- gdu.normal
- gdu.infor
- gdu.warn
- gdu.error
And some more fantastic LOG functions.
- gdu.scolor
- gdu.lrandom
- gdu.rainbow
Some of them will output information like the following: