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Air Quality

José Antonio Jiménez Campos edited this page Jul 14, 2023 · 14 revisions

Air Quality HomeKit Service.

Type Service Type
15 Air Quality Sensor

Air Quality was introduced in firmware version 10.0 Kestrel

Status must be set using Service Notifications. There is not inputs available. To use specific hardware, Free Monitor Service supports many different data sources that can provide needed information to manage this service.

The following configuration is available:

Section Key Description
Actions "0", "1", etc. The actions performed by the service
Extra Data "dt" Array to enable extra characteristics with more info
Service Notifications "m" Notifications sent from another service
Initial Lock State "ks" Lock state at boot
Service Characteristics


{ "a" :
    { "t" : 15 }


Key Action Description
"0" Unknown Status The default action after boot
"1" Excellent
"2" Good
"3" Fair
"4" Inferior
"5" Poor

Extra Data

Some extra characteristics can be added to this service:

Key Description
1 Ozone Density
2 Nitrogen Dioxide Density
3 Sulphur Dioxide Density
4 PM25 Density
5 PM10 Density
6 VOC Density

It is possible to add some or all of them using "dt" array.

To populate this information, Service Notifications or Free Monitors must be used.

Valid values are from 0 to 1000.

Elements order in the declaration is important because Service Notifications and Data History Characteristics will use place number instead characteristic keys. For example, "dt" : [ 2, 4 ] will add Nitrogen Dioxide Density and PM25 Density, but these characteristics will be 1 and 2 when use them in Service Notifications and Data History Characteristics.

Service Notifications

The list of Service Notifications "m" values supported are:

Value Notification
0 Unknown Status (default)
1 Excellent
2 Good
3 Fair
4 Inferior
5 Poor
N * 10000 + value Where N is Extra Data and value is the value to set

See the general Service Notifications section for details of how to configure these notifications.

Initial Lock State

The Initial Lock State about Service.

Key Value Notification
"ks" 0 Service locked
1 Service unlocked

Service Characteristics

Characteristic Description
0 * Current State
1 to 6 * Extra Data
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