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Setting up the environment

Installing Docker

If you have Windows 10 Pro or Windows 10 Enterprise editions installed:

  • Open Docker download page on Docker Hub
  • Click on the Get Docker button Note: This step requires having a docker account.

For other versions of Windows, download Docker Toolbox.

Run the installer and follow the on-screen instructions to get Docker on your machine.

Clone the repository

  • Copy the address of this repository from the Clone or download button
  • Open Git GUI application (Press Win button -> type Git GUI -> press Enter or type git gui into a command line)
  • In the Source Location field paste the address from the first step
  • In the Target Directory specify where you want to clone (something like C:\Git\eurolan-2019)
  • Make sure that Recursively clone submodules checkbox is checked
  • Press the Clone button

Populate the data directory

  • Copy the word embeddings file from Prerequisites section into data directory.
  • Copy the corpus files into data\corpus directory.

Build the NLP-Cube image

This step will build a Docker image of NLP-Cube - an open source natural language processing pipeline.

To buid the image:

  • Open a command prompt or PowerShell as administrator
  • Navigate to the directory where the repository was cloned (e.g. cd C:\Git\eurolan-2019)
  • Run the following command
docker build -t eurolan2019/nlp-cube -f .\nlp-cube\docker\Dockerfile --build-arg extranotebook=notebooks/eurolan-2019.ipynb --build-arg extranotebookname="6. EUROLAN 2019" .

Note: Make sure to include the final . in the command. It specifies the build context.

When the build is finished, run docker images in the same command window. You should see eurolan2019/nlp-cube in the REPOSITORY column of the output.

Running NLP-Cube

To run the NLP-Cube open a command prompt or PowerShell as administrator and run the following command:

docker run -p 8888:8888 -v <path to repository>/data:/data --name nlp-cube eurolan2019/nlp-cube

Make sure to replace <path to repository> with the path where the repository was cloned and replace \ with /. E.g. If you cloned the repository in C:\Git\eurolan-2019 use the following:

docker run -p 8888:8888 -v /c/Git/eurolan-2019/data:/data --name nlp-cube eurolan2019/nlp-cube

In the output, find the lines similar to the lines below:

    To access the notebook, open this file in a browser:

    Or copy and paste one of these URLs:
        http://(a588c2c2adde or

Copy the URL from the output and paste it in the browser. It will open the Jupyter Notebook Server interface. From there, click on the examples folder and afterwards on the eurolan-2019.ipynb file.


Workshop reference for EuroLAN 2019 Spring School







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