RECAPP iOS enables researchers to study free recall, serial recall and recognition memory in-the-wild direct to study participant mobile devices including iPhone and iPad.
RECAPP iOS requires a RECAPP Web Service implementation to be running on an accessible server, for more details please visit the RECAPP Web Service github page. The project has been developed against Xcode 10 and has been tested upto iOS 8.1. Before compiling ensure that the 'host' key/value pair is set in the following plist project file with the host of the configured RECAPP Web Service:
RECAPP/Supporting Files/recapp_configuration.plist
Also ensure that an associated bundle identifier is included with your available iOS developer/distribution account.
The RECAPP Framework was developed by Lancaster University and Essex University as part of the EU funded RECALL Project . The Recall project acknowledges the financial support of the Future and Emerging Technologies (FET) programme within the 7th Framework Programme for Research of the European Commission, under FET grant number: 612933. We kindly ask that any re-use of the RECAPP codebase as part of an application or future research is clearly attributed.