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Builder API

A Laravel package for querying the Builder API


You can install the package via composer:

composer require rs/builder-api


By default, the API client will attempt to find settings from the following environment variables

# .env

BUILDER_SITE_NAME=sitename # the name of the site in Builder
BUILDER_PUBLISHED=true # whether to query the published or unpublished data of the Builder site (defaults to true if not defined)

Alternatively, you can publish the config file and define your settings there:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="RedSnapper\Builder\BuilderApiServiceProvider" --tag="config"
# config/builder-api.php

return [
    'site'       => 'sitename',
    'published'  => true,
    'user'       => 'builderuser',
    'password'   => 'key-123',


If you provide both a user and password then basic authentication will be attempted.

Alternatively you can provide just a user - this will add an X-USER header to the request. This will only work if your application lives on the same network as the Builder instance


You can use the BuilderApi facade to create a PendingRequest. You can overwrite any configuration using the fluent methods available on this object.

$pendingRequest = BuilderApi::new();
    ->withAuth('builderuser', 'key-123')

To make a GET request provide the Builder macro name and optionally provide parameters as a second argument.

 $response = $pendingRequest->forSite('sitename')->get('apiPages', ['foo', 'bar']);

You can also make a request directly with the facade. This will make use of the configuration defined in your config file or environment variables

$response = BuilderApi::get('apiPages'); // returns BuilderResponse object

If you don't want to use the facade, you can type-hint the BuilderRequestFactory class in your constructor methods or use app()->make()

use RedSnapper\Builder\BuilderRequestFactory;

    public function __construct(BuilderRequestFactory $factory)
        $this->factory = $factory;
        # or...
        $factory = app()->make(BuilderRequestFactory::class);
        $pendingRequest = $factory->new();
        $response = $pendingRequest->get('apiPages');

When a request is made a BuilderResponse object is returned, this provides methods for retrieving the Builder data or Builder error messages on a failed request.

 $data = $response->data(); # get json decoded data
 if($response->failed()) {
    $errorMsg = $response->errorMsg();

Below is the full list of methods provided to help you analyse the response




$response->errorMsg(); # error msg provided by Builder

$response->status(); # status code of the response

$response->throw(); # throw an exception if a server or client error occurred

$response->getResponse(); # get the underlying 'Illuminate\Http\Client\Response' object




Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.


The MIT License (MIT). Please see Licence File for more information.