This is a Proof of Concept of a library, that allows redis modules to communicate with nodes in a cluster in an asynchronous way.
It allows the same command to be fanned-out to all the nodes; or sending a list of commands, each to its relevant shard or node.
It loosely follows a map/reduce pattern, where each command executed is considered a "map" operation, and a "reducer" callback is responsible for merging the results. A reducer can reply to the client, or trigger another map/reduce step.
This is only a POC, and it only supports dummy cluster configuration and sharding. It works, but not really usable - just an example of how the API would work.
The idea is to be able to scale module logic across many nodes, where a merged result is sent to the client.
For example, let's say we have a search engine running on N
redis instances. We can index 1/N
of our documents in each engine to scale it if more data is added.
Then, when searching, we need to distribute the query to all nodes, and reduce the top N results from all nodes to a single list. RMR allows us to do it easily and abstracts the details of networking and threading. (it uses libuv and hiredis under the hood).
When loading the module, you need to initialize the RMR engine, and inject it with:
A NodeProvider - an interface supplying the engine with a list of the cluster's node (and in the future slots and other state info).
A ShardFunc - a callback that, given a list of nodes and a command's arguments, tells the engine which node/shard the command should be mapped to.
After the engine is initialized, you can trigger MapReduce steps from any of the module's command handlers. Two sorts of operations are supported:
Map - give the engine a list of commands, and it will execute each on its appropriate shard, and call a reducer with the results.
FanOut - give the engine a single command, and it will execute it on ALL shards, and call a reducer with the results.
This SUM example takes a list of keys from the command arguments, performs GET on each key's appropriate shard, and reduces the result to a single sum (if they are numeric):
- Triggering the map operation in a command handler:
/* RMR.SUM key key ... */
int SumCmd(RedisModuleCtx *ctx, RedisModuleString **argv, int argc) {
if (argc < 2) return RedisModule_WrongArity(ctx);
/* Create a list of commands to distribute */
MRCommand cmds[argc-1];
for (int i = 0; i < argc - 1; i++) {
cmds[i] = MR_NewCommand(2, "GET", RedisModule_StringPtrLen(argv[i+1], NULL));
/* Create a new MapReduce context wrapping our redis context */
MRCtx *mc = MR_CreateCtx(ctx)
/* Trigger a Map operation for the commands, with a reducer callback */
MR_Map(mc, sumReducer, cmds, argc-1);
- Summing up the results in the reducer:
(Note: MRReply
is an abstraction built on hiredis reply objects, that has some convenience functions)
/* A reducer that sums up numeric replies from a request */
int sumReducer(struct MRCtx *mc, int count, MRReply **replies) {
/* Get the redis context saved in the MapReduce context */
RedisModuleCtx *ctx = MRCtx_GetPrivdata(mc);
long long sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
long long n = 0;
/* a convenience function to extract an integer value from the reply if possible */
if (MRReply_ToInteger(replies[i], &n)) {
sum += n;
return RedisModule_ReplyWithLongLong(ctx, sum);