.NET Library and global dotnet tool for various android adb, avd, and emulator needs.
In addition to the AndroidSDK
NuGet Package, there is also a dotnet tool AndroidSDK.Tool
# Install the tool
dotnet tool install -g AndroidSDK.Tool
# List devices/emulators
android device list --format json
# List and install SDK packages
android sdk list
android sdk install --package emulator --package "system-images;android-31;google_apis;x86_64"
# Create AVD's
android avd create --name MyEmulator --sdk "system-images;android-31;google_apis;x86_64" --device pixel
# Start Emulators and wait for them to be ready
android avd start --name MyEmulator --wait-boot
Download/Install the SDK:
var sdk = new AndroidSdkManager("/path/to/desired/android_home");
List packages that can be installed:
var list = sdk.SdkManager.List();
foreach (var a in list.AvailablePackages)
foreach (var a in list.InstalledPackages)
Install a particular package:
// The `SdkPackage.Path` is used to specify the package to install
// it might look something like: build-tools;29.0.3
var installPath = list.AvailablePackages.FirstOrDefault().Path;
Execute ADB Commands:
// Stop/start adb
// Find all ADB attached devices
var devices = sdk.Adb.GetDevices();
foreach (var device in devices)
Console.WriteLine($"ADB Device: {device.Serial}");
// Find an emulator
var emulator = devices.FirstOrDefault(d => d.IsEmulator);
// Get the name of an emulator/device
var emulatorName = sdk.Adb.GetDeviceName(emulator.Serial);
// Use the emulator's serial in other adb calls
// Useful if there's multiple devices connected
var serial = emulator.Serial;
// Push files
sdk.Adb.Push(new FileInfo("/some/image.png"), new FileInfo("/sdcard/image.png"), serial);
// Pull files
sdk.Adb.Pull(new FileInfo("/some/log.txt"), new FileInfo("/local/log.txt"), serial);
// Install an apk
sdk.Adb.Install(new FileInfo("/some/local/app.apk"), serial);
// Uninstall a package
sdk.Adb.Uninstall("com.some.app", keepDataAndCacheDirs: false, serial);
// Dump logcat lines
List<string> logs = sdk.Adb.Logcat(serial);
// Execute shell commands
var output = sdk.Adb.Shell("ls -l", serial);
// Screen capture
sdk.Adb.ScreenCapture(new FileInfo("/local/place/to/save/screen.png"), serial);
Create an emulator (AVD) definition:
var avdSdkId = "system-images;android-29;google_apis_playstore;x86_64";
// Make sure the emulator image we want to use is installed
// Create an Emulator instance
sdk.AvdManager.Create("AVD_Name", avdSdkId, "pixel", force: true);
Execute Emulator Commands:
// Get a list of available emulators
var avds = sdk.Emulator.ListAvds();
var avd = avds.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Name == "AVD_Name");
// Start the emulator
var emulatorProcess = sdk.Emulator.Start(avd.Name, new EmulatorStartOptions { NoSnapshot = true });
// Wait for the emulator to be in a bootcomplete state, ready to use
A common scenario is to create, start, and deploy an apk to an emulator in CI:
// Define the emulator image to use, this is an SDK Manager package id
var AVD_SDK_ID = "system-images;android-29;google_apis_playstore;x86_64";
// API Levels we need to install to build our app
var SDK_PACKAGES = new [] { "platforms;android-21", "platforms;android-26", "platforms;android-29" };
// The name of the emulator AVD instance we will create
var AVD_NAME = "CI_Emulator";
var APP_PROJECT = "MyAndroidApp.csproj";
var APP_PACKAGE_NAME = "com.myapp";
var APP_CONFIG = "Release";
var APP_APK = $"{APP_PROJECT}/bin/{APP_CONFIG}/MonoAndroid90/{APP_PACKAGE_NAME}.apk";
// Make sure all of the tools we need are created and installed
var sdk = new AndroidSdkManager();
// Ensure all the SDK components are installed
// Install the API levels we need for our app
// Build our Xamarin Android App
var p = Process.Start($"msbuild /p:Configuration={APP_CONFIG} {APP_PROJECT}");
// Make sure the emulator image we want to use is installed
// Create an Emulator instance
sdk.AvdManager.Create(AVD_NAME, AVD_SDK_ID, "pixel", force: true);
// Start the emulator
var emulatorProcess = sdk.Emulator.Start(AVD_NAME, new EmulatorStartOptions { NoSnapshot = true });
// Wait for the emulator to be in a bootcomplete state, ready to use
// Install the APK we built for our app earlier
sdk.Adb.Install(APP_APK emulatorProcess.Serial);
// Launch UI Tests or the app
// eg: Launch the app we just installed
sdk.Adb.LaunchApp(APP_PACKAGE_NAME, emulatorProcess.Serial);
// TODO: Run some tests?
// Clean up the emulator