A tetris game, that can be launched in UEFI.
- Scoring
- Levels
- Tetromino preview
- Tetromino hold
- Ghost tetromino
- Rotation system and wall kicks
This project can be builded with severel efi providers:
Building some different depending of the provider
First make some common stuff:
git clone https://github.com/Rejeq/UefiTetris
cd UefiTetris
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DTETRIS_ARCH="x86_64" -DTETRIS_EFI_PROVIDER="gnu-efi" ..
cmake --build . -j 2
The gnu-efi library will be automatically loaded, but if you have problems, you can install it manually by setting TETRIS_FETCHING=OFF and providing GNU_EFI_DIR path to the efi directory
If you use clang, you must also install the llvmGold extension
cmake -DTETRIS_ARCH="x86_64" -DTETRIS_EFI_PROVIDER="edk" -DTETRIS_EDK_REPO="<path to edk repo" ..
cd edk
source edksetup.sh BaseTools
cd ..
If the build process was successful, the binaries should be in: ./<build_mode><compiler>/<arch>/TetrisApp.efi
First of all, we need to get OVMF
This can be obtained by several methods:
- Using the package manager
In Ubuntu run:sudo apt ovmf
In other distros must be similar - Manual building
If you have troubles, you can take the commands from nightly build github repository - Download nightly build
Next we need to create FAT image (mtools required).
For gnu-efi it will be created automatically, so you can skip this point
bash scripts/MakeFat.sh [Efi program]
bash scripts/RunQemu.sh [FAT image] --arch="x86_64" --ovmf=[path to ovmf]
Or if you unable to create FAT image you can use -hda flag
mkdir -p boot/EFI/BOOT cp [Efi program] boot/EFI/BOOT/BOOTX64.EFI bash scripts/RunQemu.sh --arch=... --ovmf=... --no-image -- -hda fat:rw:boot
Create .iso file by running: (xorriso required)
bash ../scripts/MakeIso.sh [FAT image]
Create machine as usual, and set Enable EFI
Not forget to set correct architecture
Also you can set minimum ram and disk space
Go to build dir and reconfigure cmake:
Rebuild project
Run tetris, and you will see in the console "ImageBase: 0x--------"
Meomrize the hex value and start gdb session:
gdb --command=../scripts/GdbSetupEfi.py'
(gdb) SetupEfi [Efi program] [Efi debug program] [ImageBase value]
(gdb) b efi_main
(gdb) target remote :1234
In other terminal you need to run qemu
bash ../scripts/RunQemu.sh [FAT image] --debug=true
If you only see a black screen, you may have forgotten to set the Efi flag during the machine creation phase.
Try executing the program manually with:
$ fs0: # go to the boot filesystem
If nothing appears after that and you just go back to the shell, it could be due to the different architecture of the machine and the program
- Tetris guideline
- tetrEFIs - A similar project with graphics output
- About UEFI
- Efi application debugging