This is my implementation of the CBR+PNK system by Emanoel Melo for use with Custom System Builder for FoundryVTT
Shout out to Kiszu for his implementation of CBR+PNK for Foundry
- Create a world with Custom System Builder (manifest url:
- Import the provided export.json file via the "Import templates JSON" option
- Link to the style.css file in the game settings for custom system builder*
- Add the MonoRegular font in the game settings for Core, using the Font Family name "Mono"*
- Add the cbrpnk_icons font in the game settings for Core, using the Font Family name "cbrpnk"*
- In order to use sheet automation, install and enable the CBR+PNK Roller module (manifest url:
*-optional, but will highly improve visuals
This sheet is currently tested for CSB version 4.2.0 on Foundry 12 Build 331
If you want to support this system, please give to the creaters of custom system builder on ko-fi
This work is based on Blades in the Dark, product of One Seven Design, developed and authored by John Harper, and licensed for our use under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license.
Published independently under the 'CBR+PNK Compatibility License' with no association with Emanoel Melo, The Cabinet of Curiosities, Mythworks, or other official publishers of CBR+PNK.
'CBR+PNK' and its associated logos and iconography are copyright Emanoel Melo and are used with permission.
Mono Font by Rony Setya Siswadi