This application enables the user to write and save notes, using Express.js back end.
Application deployed with Heroku, please follow the link:
The application contains a db.json file on the back end that is used to store and retrieve notes using the fs module. This application requires the installation of inquirer express. Please go to the terminal and type in the following:
npm i express
This command will download the "node_modules".
Once downloaded, please type in the below to start the application:
node server
The user write down a note in the webpage, with a title and description and the application saves the info and displays on a history panel on the left side.
- The page contains saved notes in the left-side column.
- A new note can be created on the right-side column, including Title and Text.
- Save icon appears once the user creates a New Note
- Once the user clicks the save button, the note is saved and appears on the left panel under the existing notes
- When the user clicks over an existing note in the left panel, the note appears in the right panel.
- When the user clicks over the write icon in the top-navigation menu, then an empty field is presented to receive a new title and note.
- The user can add notes and delete them as well.
This application is covered by MIT license, available at:
Please feel free to send a pull request, the following is my GitHub account:
Enter a note and check how this note will be displayed and saved on the left panel.
Application was deployed with Heroku, please follow the link: In the terminal you can type in "node server" and the application will run in the localhost:3001 as well.
If you have any questions please contact me at:
- GitHub account:
- e-mail account: