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Pokemon Pinball (Game Boy Color)

ViperZang edited this page Aug 31, 2021 · 2 revisions

1) Synopsis

Achievement Info

Total Achievements: 37
Total Points: 418

Difficulty Info

Set Difficulty: Fairly simple, but also tedious.
Approximate time to Master: Many Hours
Minimum Number of Playthroughs Needed: 1
Number of Missable Achievements: None
Does Difficulty Affect Achievements?: N/A

Compatibility Info

Compatible MD5 Checksums
fbe20570c2e52c937a9395024069ba3c - USA - Used to make achievements
852d68f167a5957f5e73954763f36ada - Japan

Not Compatible
3757c89c36bec5e2093741a3e51d22df - Europe

2) Introduction

Game Badge

Pokémon Pinball is a pinball game based on Pokémon for the Gameboy Color. As the title suggests, the gameplay is pinball-based, but with a uniquely Pokémon-inspired spin. For example, the game is divided into two tables, the Red Field and the Blue Field, each with different table designs, accessible map locations, and catchable wild Pokémon.

3) Gameplay

This game is pretty straight forward. This section will contain some of the basics for playing the game. Topics reated to specific achievements will be in that achievement's section.

Red Field

Catch 'em Mode

Send the ball through the right loop at least two times to light up two arrows (or three for a chance at different Pokémon), then send the ball through Bellsprout's mouth to initiate Catch 'em Mode.

Evolution Mode

Send the ball through the left loop three times and the Ditto will move. Send the ball into the new hole to initiate Evolution mode.

Map Move

Hit one of the Diglett on either side of the field three times to initiate Map Move.
See On the Road for more information.

Bonus Stages

Accesed by filling the catch gauge to 3. It is increased by 1 for catching a Pokemon, or by 2 for evolving.

See the following achievements for more information:

Blue Field

Catch 'em Mode

Send the ball through the right loop at least two times to light up two arrows (or three for a chance at different Pokémon), then send the ball into Cloyster to initiate Catch 'em Mode.

Evolution Mode

Send the ball through the left loop three times and then into Slowpoke's open mouth to initiate Evolution mode.

Map Move

Hit either the Poliwag on the left or the Psyduck on the right three times to initiate Map Move.
See On the Road for more information.

Bonus Stages

Accesed by filling the catch gauge to 3. It is increased by 1 for catching a Pokemon, or by 2 for evolving.

See the following achievements for more information:

4) Achievements

Badge 10 points
Catch and Fully evolve Bulbasaur, Squirtle, and Charmander.

The Pokémon can be found in the following locations:

Pokémon Table Location Arrows Evolutions
Bulbasaur Red Pallet Town 3 2
Bulbasaur Blue Viridian City 3 2
Charmander Red Pallet Town 3 2
Squirtle Blue Viridian City 3 2

Badge 10 points
Catch and Fully evolve Caterpie, Weedle, Pinsir and Venonat.

The Pokémon can be found in the following locations:

Pokémon Table Location Arrows Evolutions
Caterpie Both Viridian Forest 2 2
Caterpie Both Cerulean City 2 2
Weedle Both Viridian Forest 2 2
Weedle Both Cerulean City 2 2
Pinsir Blue Celadon City 3 0
Pinsir Both Safari Zone 3 0
Venonat Blue Fuchsia City 3 1

Badge 5 points
Catch and evolve Eevee into all it's evolutions.

The Pokémon can be found in the following locations:

Pokémon Table Location Arrows Evolutions
Eevee Blue Celadon City 3 1*

* Eevee evolves into either Vaporeon, Jolteon, or Flareon at random

Badge 10 points
Catch and Fully evolve Pidgey, Spearow, and Farfetch'd.

The Pokémon can be found in the following locations:

Pokémon Table Location Arrows Evolutions
Pidgey Red Pallet Town 2 2
Pidgey Red Pewter City 2 2
Pidgey Red Vermilion Seaside 2 2
Pidgey Red Lavender Town 2 2
Pidgey Blue Vermilion Streets 2 2
Pidgey Blue Celadon City 2 2
Pidgey Blue Saffron City 2 2
Pidgey Both Viridian Forest 2 2
Pidgey Both Cerulean City 2 2
Spearow Red Pewter City 2 1
Spearow Red Vermilion Seaside 2 1
Spearow Red Cycling Road 2 1
Spearow Blue Viridian City 2 1
Spearow Blue Mt. Moon 2 1
Spearow Blue Vermilion Streets 2 1
Spearow Both Rock Mountain 2 1
Spearow Both Indigo Plateau 2 1
Farfetch'd Red Vermilion Seaside 3 0
Farfetch'd Blue Vermilion Streets 3 0

Badge 10 points
Catch and Fully evolve Rattata, Rhyhorn, and both Nidorans.

The Pokémon can be found in the following locations:

Pokémon Table Location Arrows Evolutions
Rattata Red Pallet Town 2 1
Rattata Red Rock Mountain 2 1
Rattata Red Cycling Road 2 1
Rattata Blue Mt. Moon 2 1
Rattata Both Viridian Forest 2 1
Rhyhorn Both Safari Zone 2 1
Nidoran (M) Red Pallet Town 2 2
Nidoran (M) Blue Viridian City 2 2
Nidoran (M) Both Cerulean City 2 2
Nidoran (M) Both Safari Zone 2 2
Nidoran (F) Blue Viridian City 2 2
Nidoran (F) Both Safari Zone 2 2

Badge 10 points
Catch and Fully evolve Hitmonchan, Hitmonlee, Kangaskhan, and Machop.

The Pokémon can be found in the following locations:

Pokémon Table Location Arrows Evolutions
Hitmonchan Blue Saffron City 3 0
Hitmonlee Blue Saffron City 3 0
Kangaskhan Blue Fuchsia City 3 0
Machop Both Rock Mountain 2 2
Machop Both Indigo Plateau 2 2

Badge 10 points
Catch and Fully evolve Ekans, Zubat, Grimer, and Koffing.

The Pokémon can be found in the following locations:

Pokémon Table Location Arrows Evolutions
Ekans Red Pewter City 2 1
Ekans Red Vermilion Seaside 2 1
Ekans Red Lavender Town 2 1
Ekans Blue Mt. Moon 2 1
Ekans Blue Saffron City 2 1
Ekans Both Rock Mountain 2 1
Ekans Both Indigo Plateau 2 1
Zubat Red Seafoam Islands 2 1
Zubat Blue Mt. Moon 2 1
Zubat Both Rock Mountain 2 1
Zubat Both Indigo Plateau 2 1
Grimer Red Cinnabar Island 3 1
Grimer Blue Cinnabar Island 2 1
Koffing Red Cinnabar Island 3 1
Koffing Blue Cinnabar Island 2 1

Badge 10 points
Catch and Fully evolve Oddish, Paras, Bellsprout, Exeggcute, and Tangela.

The Pokémon can be found in the following locations:

Pokémon Table Location Arrows Evolutions
Oddish Red Vermilion Seaside 2 2
Oddish Blue Celadon City 2 2
Oddish Blue Saffron City 2 2
Oddish Both Cerulean City 2 2
Paras Blue Mt. Moon 2 1
Paras Both Safari Zone 2 1
Bellsprout Blue Cerulean City 2 2
Bellsprout Blue Vermilion Streets 2 2
Bellsprout Blue Celadon City 2 2
Bellsprout Blue Saffron City 2 2
Exeggcute Blue Fuchsia City 3 1
Tangela Red Cinnabar Island 3 0

Badge 10 points
Catch and Fully evolve Diglett, Geodude, Cubone, Onix, and Sandshrew.

The Pokémon can be found in the following locations:

Pokémon Table Location Arrows Evolutions
Diglett Both Rock Mountain 2 1
Geodude Red Rock Mountain 3 2
Geodude Red Indigo Plateau 3 2
Geodude Blue Mt. Moon 3 2
Geodude Blue Rock Mountain 2 2
Geodude Blue Indigo Plateau 2 2
Cubone Red Lavender Town 3 1
Onix Both Rock Mountain 3 0
Onix Both Indigo Plateau 3 0
Sandshrew Blue Mt. Moon 2 1
Sandshrew Blue Vermilion Streets 3 1
Sandshrew Blue Saffron City 2 1
Sandshrew Both Rock Mountain 2 1
Sandshrew Both Indigo Plateau 2 1

Badge 10 points
Catch and Fully evolve Lapras, Omanyte, Kabuto, and Aerodactyl.

The Pokémon can be found in the following locations:

Pokémon Table Location Arrows Evolutions
Lapras Blue Saffron City 3 0
Omanyte Red Cinnabar Island 3 1
Kabuto Red Cinnabar Island 3 1
Aerodactyl Blue Cinnabar Island 3 0

Badge 10 points
Catch and Fully evolve Abra, Gastly, and Drowzee.

The Pokémon can be found in the following locations:

Pokémon Table Location Arrows Evolutions
Abra Blue Celadon City 3 2
Abra Both Cerulean City 3 2
Gastly Red Lavender Town 2 2
Drowzee Red Vermilion Seaside 3 1
Drowzee Blue Vermilion Streets 3 1

Badge 10 points
Catch Mr.Mime, Scyther, Jynx, Electabuzz, Magmar, Porygon, and Snorlax.

The Pokémon can be found in the following locations:

Pokémon Table Location Arrows Evolutions
Mr. Mime Both Rock Mountain 3 0
Scyther Blue Celadon City 3 0
Scyther Both Safari Zone 3 0
Jynx Both Cerulean City 3 0
Electabuzz Red Lavender Town 3 0
Magmar Blue Cinnabar Island 3 0
Porygon Blue Celadon City 3 0
Snorlax Red Cycling Road 3 0

Badge 10 points
Catch and Fully evolve all possible remaining Water Pokemon.

The Pokémon can be found in the following locations:

Pokémon Table Location Arrows Evolutions
Psyduck Red Seafoam Islands 3 1
Psyduck Blue Mt. Moon 3 1
Psyduck Blue Cerulean City 3 1
Poliwag Red Pallet Town 3 2
Poliwag Blue Viridian City 3 2
Tentacool Red Pallet Town 3 1
Tentacool Red Cycling Road 3 1
Tentacool Red Seafoam Islands 3 1
Tentacool Blue Viridian City 3 1
Slowpoke Red Seafoam Islands 3 1
Slowpoke Both Rock Mountain 3 1
Seel Red Seafoam Islands 3 1
Shellder Red Vermilion Seaside 2 1
Shellder Red Seafoam Islands 2 1
Shellder Blue Vermilion Streets 2 1
Krabby Red Cerulean City 2 1
Krabby Red Vermilion Seaside 2 1
Krabby Red Cycling Road 2 1
Krabby Red Seafoam Islands 2 1
Krabby Blue Mt. Moon 3 1
Krabby Blue Cerulean City 3 1
Krabby Blue Vermilion Streets 2 1
Krabby Blue Fuchsia City 2 1
Horsea Red Seafoam Islands 3 1
Goldeen Red Cerulean City 2 1
Goldeen Red Cycling Road 2 1
Goldeen Red Seafoam Islands 2 1
Goldeen Blue Viridian City 3 1
Goldeen Blue Mt. Moon 3 1
Goldeen Blue Cerulean City 3 1
Goldeen Blue Fuchsia City 3 1
Staryu Red Seafoam Islands 3 1
Magikarp Red Pewter City 3 1
Magikarp Red Cycling Road 3 1
Magikarp Blue Fuchsia City 2 1

Badge 10 points
Catch and Fully evolve Tauros, Pikachu, Meowth, Ponyta, and Doduo.

The Pokémon can be found in the following locations:

Pokémon Table Location Arrows Evolutions
Tauros Both Safari Zone 3 0
Pikachu Both Viridian Forest 3 1
Meowth Blue Vermilion Streets 3 1
Meowth Blue Celadon City 2 1
Meowth Blue Saffron City 3 1
Meowth Both Cerulean City 3 1
Ponyta Both Cinnabar Island 2 1
Doduo Red Cycling Road 2 1
Doduo Both Safari Zone 2 1

Badge 10 points
Catch and Fully evolve Mankey, Vulpix, Growlithe, and Lickitung.

The Pokémon can be found in the following locations:

Pokémon Table Location Arrows Evolutions
Mankey Red Cerulean City 2 1
Mankey Red Vermilion Seaside 2 1
Mankey Red Lavender Town 2 1
Mankey Blue Celadon City 2 1
Mankey Blue Saffron City 2 1
Vulpix Blue Saffron City 3 1
Vulpix Both Cinnabar Island 2 1
Growlithe Red Lavender Town 2 1
Growlithe Red Cinnabar Island 2 1
Growlithe Blue Celadon City 2 1
Growlithe Blue Saffron City 3 1
Lickitung Red Cycling Road 3 0

Badge 10 points
Catch/Evolve - Clefairy, Jigglypuff, Ditto, Voltorb, Chansey, and Magnemite.

The Pokémon can be found in the following locations:

Pokémon Table Location Arrows Evolutions
Clefairy Blue Mt. Moon 3 1
Clefairy Blue Celadon City 3 1
Jigglypuff Red Pewter City 3 1
Ditto Both Indigo Plateau 3 0
Voltorb Red Rock Mountain 2 1
Voltorb Blue Rock Mountain 3 1
Chansey Both Safari Zone 3 0
Magnemite Red Lavender Town 3 1

Badge 25 points
Catch and Fully evolve Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres, Dratini, Mew, and Mewtwo.

The Pokémon can be found in the following locations:

Pokémon Table Location Arrows Evolutions
Dratini Blue Celadon City 3 2
Dratini Both Safari Zone 3 2
Articuno Red Seafoam Islands 3 0
Zapdos Red Lavender Town 3 0
Moltres Blue Indigo Plateau 3 0
Mewtwo Both Indigo Plateau 3 0
Mew Both Indigo Plateau 3* 0

* Mew can only appear if you have beaten the Mewtwo Stage twice.
Additionally, Mew must be hit at least 20 times before the timer runs out.

Badge 50 points
Register all 151 Pokemon in the dex

Description is self-explanatory.

Badge 5 points
Complete the Dugtrio Bonus Stage

The first bonus stage on the Red Field.

Time Limit: None (One ball limit)
Hit all 31 Diglett, then a Dugtrio will pop up. Hit it 3 times to clear the bonus stage.

Badge 5 points
Complete the Meowth Bonus Stage

The first bonus stage on the Blue Field

Time Limit: 1:00
Hitting the Meowth will cause it to drop coins. Collect 20 coins to clear the bonus stage.

Badge 5 points
Complete the Gengar Bonus Stage

The second bonus stage on the Red Field

Time Limit: 1:30
Hit 10 Gastly, then 10 Haunter. Finally, hit the Gengar 5 times to clear the bonus stage. Gengar will hold your Poke Ball for a few seconds if you hit it from the front.

Badge 5 points
Complete the Seel Bonus Stage

The second bonus stage on the Blue Field

Time Limit: 1:30
Hit 20 Seel to clear the bonus stage.

Badge 10 points
Complete the Mewtwo Bonus Stage

The third bonus stage on the both fields

Time Limit: 2:00
Mewtwo will generate energy balls around itself. They can be removed by hitting them. Hit Mewtwo directly 25 times to clear the bonus stage.

Badge 5 points
Score at least 100,000,000 points on either table

Description is self-explanatory.

Badge 5 points
Score at least 200,000,000 points on either table

Description is self-explanatory.

Badge 5 points
Score at least 300,000,000 points on either table

Description is self-explanatory.

Badge 10 points
Score at least 400,000,000 points on either table

Description is self-explanatory.

Badge 25 points
Score at least 500,000,000 points on the Red Table

Description is self-explanatory.

Badge 25 points
Score at least 500,000,000 points on the Blue Table

Description is self-explanatory.

Badge 50 points
Score at least 1,000,000,000 points on either table

Description is self-explanatory.

Badge 1 point
Upgrade to a Great Ball

See Master Ball

Badge 1 point
Upgrade to an Ultra Ball

See Master Ball

Badge 1 point
Upgrade to a Master Ball

Lighting up all three lights above the Voltorb (Red), or Shellder (Blue) will upgrade your Poke Ball in the order of Great, Ultra, Master

Badge 5 points
Catch a Pokemon with at least 1m30s remaining

Description is self-explanatory.

Badge 10 points
Evolve a Pokemon with at least 1m30s remaining

Description is self-explanatory.

Badge 5 points
Travel to the Indigo Plateau

Hit Diglett (Red), Poliwag (Blue), or Psyduck (Blue) 3 times to initiate travel. Each table has 3 location blocks.
Travelling goes in the order of: Three Block 1 locations, Two Block 2 locations, then Block 3. Block 3 will always be the Indigo Plateau

Red Block 1

  • Pallet Town
  • Viridian Forest
  • Pewter City
  • Cerulean City
  • Vermilion City Seaside
  • Rock Mountain
  • Lavender Town

Red Block 2

  • Cycling Road
  • Safari Zone
  • Seafoam Islands
  • Cinnabar Island

Blue Block 1

  • Viridian City
  • Viridian Forest
  • Mt. Moon
  • Cerulean City
  • Vermilion City Streets
  • Rock Mountain
  • Celadon City

Blue Block 2

  • Fuchsia City
  • Safari Zone
  • Saffron City
  • Cinnabar Island

Badge 5 points
Get an Extra Ball

The AGAIN icon at the bottom will light up when you have received an extra ball. I am unsure of all the exact numbers, but extra ball are obtainable through the following methods:

  • Multiples of x25 field multipliers
  • Catching/Evolving many Pokemon in one ball
  • Getting one randomly from a CAVE slot bonus

5) Credits








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