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Tama and Friends Sanchoume Kouen Tamalympic (Game Gear)

ViperZang edited this page Sep 5, 2021 · 2 revisions

1) Synopsis

Set Difficulty: 1/10
Approximate time to Master: 15-30 minutes
Minimum Number of Playthroughs Needed: 1
Number of Missable Achievements: None
Does Difficulty Affect Achievements?: N/A

2) Introduction

Tama and Friends Sanchoume Kouen – Tamalympic is a Japanese mini-game type game where you are a cat that takes part in the “Tamalympics.” There are 4 events which you need to compete in and get first. There is also a practice mode to help you trained for your gold medal event.

3) Walkthrough

Step 1

The first step I would recommend would be to complete the practice mode stuff first since you will need to have practiced up first before you take on the main event. You don’t have to, but it will make it easier. To Clarify if you do not know Japanese, the first option is the Practice mode and the second option is the Main Event.

Swing Set Fun!
Is This The Litter Box?
Bouncing Around
Practice Makes Purrfect!

Step 2

In this step, you should complete the main event and you want to earn as many points as possible. If you earn at least the scores in each achievement, you’ll take at least 3rd place so try your best to exceed these. There are two games that can really help to boost your score which will be outlined in section #4.

Power Swinger
Dirt Flinging
Power Slide!
Hop Our Way To Victory
Purrfessional Athlete
Was That a Fluke… or Skill?

4) Achievements

Power Swinger
Earn at least 75 points or more on the Swing (not in practice mode).

This one is all about the purrfect timing. If you press too late, you’ll go too high and not go far enough, if you press the button too early, then you will go too low and not far enough.


Swing Set Fun!
Practice enough on the Swing to fill the high scores.

Just play enough to get the high score board filled. So set 5 high Scores.


Dirt Flinging
Earn at least 75 points or more on the Sandbox (not in practice mode).

Just kick a bunch of dirt, watch out to avoid being hit to make you stunned and watch out for the bucket moving. Kick enough dirt in and you will earn enough points. Also, this is another good one to exceed the 75 points and boost your score.


Is This The Litter Box?
Practice enough on the Sandbox to fill the high scores.

Simply play the game enough to fill the high scores slots.


Power Slide!
Earn at least 75 points or more on the Slide (not in practice mode).

This one can be a little tricky can it can be hard to get up the slide with the obstacles coming at you. The amount of time it takes determines your score so the faster you go, the higher the score. Essentially you button mash your way up. I found it easiest to go to one side and only move when you see something coming at you and it takes less time to think about the direction you need to move.


Practice enough on the Slide to fill the high scores.

Same concept as the others, play enough to get to the top. The amount of time it takes determines your score so the faster you go, the higher the score.


Hop Our Way To Victory
Earn at least 75 points or more on the Tires (not in practice mode).

Basically hop your way around between each thing. The more you do consecutively, the most points you get. You also need to watch out for the scrolling screen and don’t let it catch up to you. This one is the easiest to determine your score because each successful hop is a point. So I recommend starting with this one and if you don’t do that well, then restart. I also recommend using this one to get Was That a Fluke… or Skill? as I found it to be the easiest to get a consistent high score.


Bouncing Around
Practice enough on the Tires to fill the high scores.

Same concept as the other games. Play it enough to fill the high score slots.


Win at least 3rd place in the competition.

See Purrfessional Athlete description.


Purrfessional Athlete
Win first place in the competition.

This one can be tricky. In order to place, it is dependent on the amount of points you get. The tiers are as follows 5th – 200, 4th – 240, 3rd – 280, 2nd – 320, and 1st – 350. So, this means you need to score at least 350 points to take the top prize so even if you just meet the requirements for the other achievements, you can only make 2nd at best. So really, you need to exceed. The easiest ones for me were the jumping game and the sandbox one. The slide can be good if you manage to get up really fast and not once be hit but still a challenge. I’d mainly focus on the jumping one however because each successful jump is one more and you can get well more than 100 points on that game alone making up for stuff like the slide and the swing. The other one is the sandbox, dig like you’ve never dug before and don’t get stunned. This one can rack up a lot of points so when doing the competition, I suggest starting with the jumping and then move to the sandbox. If you don’t do well in any one of these, reset and start over to potentially save on time. If you want to try and keep going, move to the slide next and always do the Swing last.


Was That a Fluke… or Skill?
Get at least 100 points or more in one of the sports during the competition.

This one should almost always be exclusively done in the jumping one. I found it easier to rack up 100 points in this one than any other mini game. If you want to try for a little less time, I would suggest trying the sandbox though it may take a few more tries. I would not even try this with the Slide or the Swing, you’d need to get very lucky.


Practice Makes Purrfect!
Practice all the 'sports' and fill the high scores board

This one is easy. All you need to do is fill the high scores for all the games in practice mode. You should get this when you complete the 4th achievement for the practice ones unless you quit the game after doing one or two but I don’t recommend that as you will need to do them again anyway just for this achievement.








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