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Yu‐Gi‐Oh! Forbidden Memories (PlayStation)

ViperZang edited this page Sep 5, 2021 · 17 revisions

Yu-Gi-Oh! Forbidden Memories game page.
Guide made by SporyTike, if there are any issues or something is missing feel free to contact me.

Note: The guide is still Work In Progress!

Card Drop List

The drop list of cards for every duelist. Click on the name of a duelist to open the list of possible drops you can get when beating him or her.

Simon Muran Simon Muran can be unlocked by beating him in front of Pharaoh's Palace before Heishin attacks the Palace. (Optional)
Rank S/A (Pow) Rank S/A (Tec) Rank B/C/D
Nr. Name Chance Nr. Name Chance Nr. Name Chance
002 Mystical Elf 1.32% 009 Shadow Specter 4.49% 009 Shadow Specter 4.79%
009 Shadow Specter 4.39% 016 Time Wizard 2.64% 016 Time Wizard 2.78%
010 Blackland Fire Dragon 1.46% 019 Right Arm of the Forbidden One 0.29% 019 Right Arm of the Forbidden One 0.29%
016 Time Wizard 2.93% 024 Skull Servant 1.32% 024 Skull Servant 1.42%
019 Right Arm of the Forbidden One 0.29% 047 Torike 1.32% 047 Torike 1.42%
024 Skull Servant 1.32% 048 Sangan 1.32% 048 Sangan 1.42%
025 Horn Imp 1.32% 058 Kuriboh 1.32% 058 Kuriboh 1.46%
030 Zombie Warrior 1.32% 102 Mask of Darkness 0.59% 102 Mask of Darkness 0.68%
041 Celtic Guardian 1.32% 105 Tomozaurus 2.59% 105 Tomozaurus 2.78%
046 Griffore 1.32% 123 Dark Plant 2.59% 123 Dark Plant 2.78%
047 Torike 1.32% 130 Weather Control 2.59% 130 Weather Control 2.78%
048 Sangan 1.32% 137 Mystery Hand 2.59% 137 Mystery Hand 2.78%
058 Kuriboh 1.46% 167 Ancient Jar 2.54% 167 Ancient Jar 2.73%
059 Mammoth Graveyard 1.32% 192 Key Mace 2.54% 192 Key Mace 2.73%
065 Silver Fang 1.32% 197 Mech Mole Zombie 2.54% 197 Mech Mole Zombie 2.73%
105 Tomozaurus 2.54% 202 Air Marmot of Nefariousness 2.54% 202 Air Marmot of Nefariousness 2.73%
123 Dark Plant 2.54% 237 Haniwa 2.54% 273 Haniwa 2.73%
130 Weather Cold 2.54% 238 Yashinoki 2.54% 238 Yashinoki 0.68%
137 Mystery Hand 2.54% 289 Change Slime 2.54% 289 Change Slime 2.73%
167 Ancient Jar 2.54% 301 Legendary Sword 0.98% 301 Legendary Sword 0.98%
192 Key Mace 2.54% 313 Horn of Eight 0.98% 333 Sogen 1.95%
197 Mech Mole Zombie 2.54% 314 Horn of the Unicorn 0.98% 387 Mystic Lamp 2.73%
202 Air Marmot of Nefariousness 2.54% 333 Sogen 1.76% 397 Leghul 2.73%
237 Haniwa 2.54% 336 Dark Hole 0.98% 402 Monster Eye 2.73%
238 Yashinoki 0.59% 349 Spellbinding Circle 1.76% 410 Mechanical Spider 2.73%
289 Change Slime 2.54% 387 Mystic Lamp 2.54% 411 Bat 2.73%
333 Sogen 1.95% 397 Leghul 2.54% 422 Jinzo #7 2.73%
381 Toon Alligator 0.10% 402 Monster Eye 2.54% 436 White Dolphin 2.73%
387 Mystic Lamp 2.54% 410 Mechanical Spider 2.54% 444 Turu-Purun 2.73%
397 Leghul 2.54% 411 Bat 2.54% 469 Armed Ninja 2.73%
402 Monster Eye 2.54% 422 Jinzo #7 2.54% 484 Ameba 2.73%
410 Mechanical Spider 2.54% 436 White Dolphin 2.54% 485 Korogashi 2.73%
411 Bat 2.54% 444 Turu-Purun 2.54% 488 Rainbow Flower 2.73%
422 Jinzo #7 2.54% 469 Armed Ninja 2.54% 504 Fungi of the Musk 2.73%
436 White Dolphin 2.54% 484 Ameba 2.54% 516 Muka Muka 2.73%
444 Turu-Purun 2.54% 485 Korogashi 2.54% 547 Griggle 2.73%
469 Armed Ninja 2.54% 488 Rainbow Flower 2.54% 548 Bone Mouse 2.73%
484 Ameba 2.54% 504 Fungi of the Mush 2.54% 558 Pot the Trick 2.73%
485 Korogashi 2.54% 516 Muka Muka 2.54% 563 Wretched Ghost of the Attic 2.73%
488 Rainbow Flower 2.54% 547 Griggle 2.54% 635 Queen's Double 2.73%
504 Fungi of the Musk 2.54% 548 Bone Mouse 2.54% 677 Hamburger Recipe 0.88%
516 Muka Muka 2.54% 558 Pot the Trick 2.54% 681 House of Adhesive Tape 0.88%
547 Griggle 2.54% 563 Wretched Ghost of the Attic 2.54% 690 Fake Trap 0.88%
548 Bone Mouse 2.54% 635 Queen's Double 2.54%
558 Pot the Trick 2.54% 676 Commencement Dance 0.98%
563 Wretched Ghost of the Attic 2.54% 677 Hamburger Recipe 0.98%
635 Queen's Double 2.54% 681 House of Adhesive Tape 0.98%
682 Eatgaboon 0.98%
690 Fake Trap 0.98%
Teana Teana can be unlocked by beating her in the Duel Grounds before Heishin attacks the Palace. (Optional)
Rank S/A (Pow) Rank S/A (Tec) Rank B/C/D
Nr. Name Chance Nr. Name Chance Nr. Name Chance
019 Right Arm of the Forbidden One 0.29% 019 Right Arm of the Forbidden One 0.29% 019 Right Arm of the Forbidden One 0.29%
024 Skull Servant 8.79% 024 Skull Servant 8.30% 024 Skull Servant 8.79%
058 Kuriboh 8.79% 058 Kuriboh 8.30% 058 Kuriboh 8.79%
102 Mask of Darkness 0.59% 167 Ancient Jar 8.20% 167 Ancient Jar 8.79%
167 Ancient Jar 8.79% 302 Sword of Dark Destruction 0.78% 302 Sword of Dark Destruction 0.78%
302 Sword of Dark Destruction 0.78% 312 Silver Bow and Arrow 0.73% 330 Forest 1.46%
330 Forest 1.46% 313 Horn of Light 0.73% 393 Zone Eater 8.79%
393 Zone Eater 8.59% 330 Forest 1.46% 395 Dancing Elf 8.69%
395 Dancing Elf 8.59% 336 Dark Hole 0.73% 398 Ooguchi 8.69%
398 Ooguchi 8.59% 345 Final Flame 0.73% 399 Swordsman from a Foreign Land 8.69%
399 Swordsman from a Foreign Land 8.59% 350 Dark-piercing Light 1.46% 402 Monster Eye 8.69%
402 Monster Eye 8.59% 393 Zone Eater 8.30% 469 Armed Ninja 8.69%
469 Armed Ninja 8.59% 395 Dancing Elf 8.30% 475 Sinister Serpent 8.69%
475 Sinister Serpent 8.59% 398 Ooguchi 8.30% 527 Milus Radiant 8.69%
527 Milus Radiant 8.59% 399 Swordsman from a Foreign Land 8.30% 681 House of Adhesive Tape 0.68%
543 Tongyo 0.59% 402 Monster Eye 8.20% 690 Fake Trap 0.73%
566 Yormungarde 0.59% 469 Armed Ninja 8.20% 699 Revival of Skeleton Rider 0.05%
570 Trakadon 0.29% 475 Sinister Serpent 8.20%
580 Patrol Robo 0.29% 527 Milus Radiant 8.20%
681 House of Adhesive Tape 0.73%
682 Eatgaboon 0.73%
690 Fake Trap 0.73%
699 Revival of Skeleton Rider 0.05%
Jono Jono can be unlocked by beating him in the Duel Grounds before Heishin attacks the Palace. (Optional)
Rank S/A (Pow) Rank S/A (Tec) Rank B/C/D
Nr. Name Chance Nr. Name Chance Nr. Name Chance
004 Baby Dragon 0.98% 016 Time Wizard 2.93% 016 Time Wizard 3.12%
016 Time Wizard 3.13% 020 Left Arm of the Forbidden One 0.20% 020 Left Arm of the Forbidden One 0.29%
020 Left Arm of the Forbidden One 0.29% 050 Basic Insect 1.95% 050 Basic Insect 2.15%
029 Mountain Warrior 0.98% 104 Curtain of the Dark Ones 1.95% 104 Curtain of the Dark Ones 2.15%
050 Basic Insect 2.15% 105 Tomozaurus 1.95% 105 Tomozaurus 2.15%
061 Wolf 0.98% 122 Yamatano Dragon Scroll 1.95% 122 Yamatano Dragon Scroll 2.15%
100 Battle Warrior 0.98% 130 Weather Control 1.95% 130 Weather Control 2.15%
104 Curtain of the Dark Ones 2.15% 135 Fiend's Hand 1.95% 135 Fiend's Hand 2.15%
105 Tomozaurus 2.15% 137 Mystery Hand 1.95% 137 Mystery Hand 2.15%
122 Yamatano Dragon Scroll 2.15% 152 The Melting Red Shadow 1.95% 152 The Melting Red Shadow 2.15%
130 Weather Control 2.15% 154 Fire Reaper 1.95% 154 Fire Reaper 2.15%
135 Fiend's Hand 2.15% 174 Hurricail 1.95% 174 Hurricail 2.15%
137 Mystery Hand 2.15% 182 Masked Clown 1.95% 182 Masked Clown 2.15%
152 The Melting Red Shadow 2.15% 185 Eyearmor 1.95% 185 Eyearmor 2.15%
154 Fire Reaper 2.15% 191 LALA Li-oon 1.95% 191 LALA Li-oon 2.15%
185 Eyearmor 2.15% 197 Mech Mole Zombie 1.95% 197 Mech Mole Zombie 2.15%
191 LALA Li-oon 2.15% 202 Air Marmot of Nefariousness 1.95% 202 Air Marmot of Nefariousness 2.15%
197 Mech Mole Zombie 2.15% 207 Droll Bird 1.95% 207 Droll Bird 2.15%
202 Air Marmot of Nefariousness 2.15% 210 Hinotama Soul 1.95% 210 Hinotama Soul 2.15%
207 Droll Bird 2.15% 214 Kagemusha of the Blue Flame 1.95% 242 Candle of Fate 2.15%
210 Hinotama Soul 2.15% 237 Haniwa 1.95% 245 Meda Bat 2.15%
214 Kagemusha of the Blue Flame 2.15% 242 Candle of Fate 2.05% 268 Sectarian of Secrets 2.15%
237 Haniwa 2.15% 245 Meda Bat 2.05% 301 Legendary Sword 0.78%
242 Candle of Fate 2.15% 268 Sectarian of Secrets 2.05% 302 Sword of Dark Destruction 0.78%
245 Meda Bat 2.15% 301 Legendary Sword 0.78% 333 Sogen 1.76%
268 Sectarian of Secrets 2.15% 302 Sword of Dark Destruction 0.78% 343 Sparks 0.78%
333 Sogen 1.22% 310 Vile Germs 0.78% 410 Mechanical Spider 2.15%
410 Mechanical Spider 2.15% 311 Black Pendant 0.78% 420 Cyber-Stein 2.15%
420 Cyber-Stein 2.15% 333 Sogen 1.76% 422 Jinzo #7 2.15%
422 Jinzo #7 2.15% 336 Black Hole 0.78% 436 White Dolphin 2.15%
436 White Dolphin 2.15% 343 Sparks 0.78% 444 Turu-Purun 2.15%
444 Turu-Purun 2.15% 344 Hinotama 0.88% 485 Korogashi 2.15%
485 Korogashi 2.15% 410 Mechanical Spider 2.05% 486 Boo Koo 2.15%
486 Boo Koo 2.15% 420 Cyber-Stein 2.05% 488 Rainbow Flower 2.15%
488 Rainbow Flower 2.15% 422 Jinzo #7 2.05% 492 Hoshinigen 2.15%
492 Hoshinigen 2.15% 436 White Dolphin 2.05% 501 Man-eater Bug 2.15%
501 Man-eater Bug 2.15% 444 Turu-Purun 2.05% 516 Muka Muka 2.15%
516 Muka Muka 2.15% 485 Korogashi 2.05% 524 Star Boy 2.15%
524 Star Boy 2.15% 486 Boo Koo 2.05% 549 Frog The Jam 2.15%
549 Frog The Jam 2.15% 488 Rainbow Flower 2.05% 558 Pot the Trick 2.15%
558 Pot the Trick 2.15% 492 Hoshinigen 2.05% 563 Wretched Ghost of the Attic 2.15%
563 Wretched Ghost of the Attic 2.15% 501 Man-eater Bug 2.05% 579 Abyss Flower 2.15%
570 Trakadon 0.29% 516 Muka Muka 2.05% 588 Living Vase 0.10%
579 Abyss Flower 2.15% 524 Star Boy 2.05% 589 Tentacle Plant 2.15%
580 Patrol Robo 0.29% 549 Frog The Jam 2.05% 598 Little Chimera 2.15%
581 Takuhee 0.10% 558 Pot the Trick 2.05% 611 Hiro's Shadow Scout 2.15%
588 Living Vase 0.10% 563 Wretched Ghost of the Attic 2.05% 651 Kunai with Chain 1.66%
589 Tentacle Plant 2.15% 579 Abyss Flower 2.05% 677 Hamburger Recipe 0.88%
598 Little Chimera 2.15% 589 Tentacle Plant 2.05% 681 House of Adhesive Tape 0.88%
607 Great Bill 0.10% 598 Little Chimera 2.05% 690 Fake Trap 0.88%
611 Hiro's Shadow Scout 2.15% 611 Hiro's Shadow Scout 2.05%
616 Hourglass of Courage 0.10% 651 Kunai with Chain 1.71%
651 Kunai with Chain 1.61% 654 Salamandra 1.71%
681 House of Adhesive Tape 0.78% 677 Hamburger Recipe 0.78%
679 Novox's Prayer 0.78%
681 House of Adhesive Tape 0.78%
683 Bear Trap 0.78%
690 Fake Trap 0.78%
Villager 1 Villager 1 can be unlocked by beating him in the Duel Grounds.
Rank S/A (Pow) Rank S/A (Tec) Rank B/C/D
Nr. Name Chance Nr. Name Chance Nr. Name Chance
009 Shadow Specter 3.61% 009 Shadow Specter 2.93% 009 Shadow Specter 3.71%
020 Left Arm of the Forbidden One 0.29% 020 Left Arm of the Forbidden One 0.29% 020 Left Arm of the Forbidden One 0.29%
024 Skull Servant 3.61% 024 Skull Servant 2.93% 024 Skull Servant 3.71%
058 Kuriboh 3.61% 058 Kuriboh 2.93% 058 Kuriboh 3.71%
112 That Which Feeds on Life 0.59% 123 Dark Plant 2.93% 123 Dark Plant 3.71%
123 Dark Plant 3.61% 167 Ancient Jar 2.93% 167 Ancient Jar 3.71%
146 Temple of Skulls 0.59% 192 Key Mace 2.93% 192 Key Mace 3.71%
153 Dokuroizo the Grim Reaper 0.59% 289 Change Slime 2.93% 289 Change Slime 3.71%
165 The Judgement Hand 0.59% 307 Elf's Light 0.78% 307 Elf's Light 0.88%
167 Ancient Jar 3.61% 308 Beast Fangs 0.78% 323 Book of Secret Arts 0.88%
192 Key Mace 3.61% 309 Steel Shell 0.78% 332 Mountain 1.71%
234 Beautiful Headhuntress 0.59% 311 Black Pendant 0.78% 338 Mooyan Curry 1.71%
241 Dark Assailant 0.59% 312 Silver Bow and Arrow 0.78% 339 Red Medicine 1.71%
289 Change Slime 3.61% 323 Book of Secret Arts 0.78% 345 Final Flame 0.88%
307 Elf's Light 0.78% 327 Follow Wind 0.78% 350 Dark-piercing Light 1.71%
332 Mountain 1.56% 332 Mountain 1.56% 387 Mystic Lamp 3.71%
338 Mooyan Curry 1.56% 336 Black Hole 0.88% 393 Zone Eater 3.71%
387 Mystic Lamp 3.61% 338 Mooyan Curry 1.56% 395 Dancing Elf 3.66%
393 Zone Eater 3.61% 339 Red Medicine 1.56% 397 Leghul 3.66%
395 Dancing Elf 3.61% 340 Goblin's Secret Remedy 1.56% 398 Ooguchi 3.66%
397 Leghul 3.61% 345 Final Flame 0.88% 399 Swordsman from a Foreign Land 3.66%
398 Ooguchi 3.61% 350 Dark-piercing Light 1.56% 402 Monster Eye 3.66%
399 Swordsman from a Foreign Land 3.61% 387 Mystic Lamp 2.93% 411 Bat 3.66%
402 Monster Eye 3.61% 393 Zone Eater 2.93% 469 Armed Ninja 3.66%
411 Bat 3.61% 395 Dancing Elf 2.93% 475 Sinister Serpent 3.66%
435 Water Girl 0.59% 397 Leghul 2.93% 484 Ameba 3.66%
450 Kappa Avenger 0.59% 398 Ooguchi 2.93% 504 Fungi of the Musk 3.52%
469 Armed Ninja 3.61% 399 Swordsman from a Foreign Land 2.93% 527 Milus Radiant 3.52%
475 Sinister Serpent 3.61% 402 Monster Eye 2.93% 547 Griggle 3.52%
480 Kuwagata α 0.59% 411 Bat 2.93% 548 Bone Mouse 3.52%
484 Ameba 3.61% 469 Armed Ninja 2.93% 558 Pot the Trick 3.52%
502 D. Human 0.59% 475 Sinister Serpent 2.93% 635 Queen's Double 3.66%
504 Fungi of the Musk 3.61% 484 Ameba 2.93% 655 Cursebreaker 0.88%
527 Milus Radiant 3.61% 504 Fungi of the Musk 2.93% 681 House of Adhesive Tape 0.88%
547 Griggle 3.61% 527 Milus Radiant 2.93% 690 Fake Trap 0.88%
548 Bone Mouse 3.61% 547 Griggle 2.93%
558 Pot the Trick 3.61% 548 Bone Mouse 2.93%
570 Trakadon 0.49% 558 Pot the Trick 2.93%
580 Patrol Robo 0.39% 635 Queen's Double 2.93%
635 Queen's Double 3.61% 655 Cursebreaker 0.98%
655 Cursebreaker 0.78% 665 Curse of Millennium Shield 0.59%
681 House of Adhesive Tape 0.78% 666 Yamadron Ritual 0.59%
690 Fake Trap 0.78% 671 Zera Ritual 0.59%
673 War-lion Ritual 0.59%
674 Beastry Mirror Ritual 0.59%
676 Commencement Dance 0.59%
677 Hamburger Recipe 0.59%
678 Revival of Sennen Genjin 0.59%
679 Novox's Prayer 0.59%
680 Curse of Tri-Horned Dragon 0.59%
681 House of Adhesive Tape 1.17%
690 Fake Trap 1.07%
691 Revived of Serpent Night Dragon 0.59%
692 Turtle Oath 0.59%
693 Contruct of Mask 0.59%
694 Resurrection of Chakra 0.59%
695 Puppet Ritual 0.59%
697 Garma Sword Oath 0.59%
698 Cosmo Queen's Prayer 0.59%
699 Revival of Skeleton Rider 0.59%
700 Fortress Whale's Oath 0.59%
Villager 2 Villager 2 can be unlocked by beating him in the Duel Grounds.
Rank S/A (Pow) Rank S/A (Tec) Rank B/C/D
Nr. Name Chance Nr. Name Chance Nr. Name Chance
009 Shadow Specter 0.73% 009 Shadow Specter 1.22% 009 Shadow Specter 1.27%
010 Blackland Fire Dragon 0.73% 019 Right Arm of the Forbidden One 0.59% 019 Right Arm of the Forbidden One 0.59%
019 Right Arm of the Forbidden One 0.29% 024 Skull Servant 1.22% 024 Skull Servant 1.27%
023 The Wicked Worm Beast 0.73% 045 Oscillo Hero #2 1.22% 040 Dragon Piper 1.27%
024 Skull Servant 0.73% 096 Armored Zombie 1.22% 045 Oscillo Hero #2 1.27%
025 Horn Imp 0.73% 097 Dragon Zombie 1.22% 061 Wolf 1.27%
030 Zombie Warrior 1.46% 098 Clown Zombie 1.22% 065 Silver Fang 1.27%
034 Saggi the Dark Clown 0.73% 102 Mask of Darkness 0.59% 096 Armored Zombie 1.27%
036 The Snake Hair 0.73% 108 Graveyard and the Hand of Invitation 1.22% 097 Dragon Zombie 1.27%
040 Dragon Piper 0.73% 135 Fiend's Hand 1.22% 098 Clown Zombie 1.27%
045 Oscillo Hero #2 0.73% 139 Blue-eyed Silver Zombie 1.22% 102 Mask of Darkness 0.59%
053 Killer Needle 0.73% 152 The Melting Red Shadow 1.12% 108 Graveyard and the Hand of Invitation 1.27%
059 Mammoth Graveyard 0.73% 154 Fire Reaper 1.12% 118 Supporter in the Shadows 1.27%
061 Wolf 0.73% 167 Ancient Jar 1.12% 135 Fiend's Hand 1.27%
065 Silver Fang 0.73% 177 Monsturtle 1.12% 138 Dragon Statue 1.27%
080 Uraby 0.73% 191 LALA Li-oon 1.12% 139 Blue-eyed Silver Zombie 1.27%
096 Armored Zombie 0.73% 197 Mech Mole Zombie 1.12% 140 Toad Master 1.27%
097 Dragon Zombie 0.73% 199 Penguin Knight 1.12% 141 Spiked Snail 1.27%
098 Clown Zombie 0.73% 203 Phantom Ghost 1.12% 152 The Melting Red Shadow 1.27%
102 Mask of Darkness 0.49% 205 Dorover 1.12% 154 Fire Reaper 1.27%
103 Job-Change Mirror 0.73% 206 Twin Long Rods #1 1.12% 162 Tainted Wisdom 1.27%
108 Graveyard and the Hand of Invitation 0.73% 211 Kaminarikozou 1.12% 167 Ancient Jar 1.27%
109 Goddess with the Third Eye 0.73% 215 Flame Ghost 1.12% 169 Dark King of the Abyss 1.27%
110 Hero of the East 0.73% 227 Hitodenchak 1.12% 172 Armaill 1.27%
115 Kamion Wizard 0.73% 228 Wood Remains 1.12% 177 Monsturtle 1.27%
118 Supporter in the Shadows 0.73% 237 Haniwa 1.12% 181 Dark Shade 1.27%
119 Trial of Nightmares 0.73% 238 Yashinoki 0.59% 191 LALA Li-oon 1.27%
120 Dream Clown 0.73% 243 Water Element 1.12% 197 Mech Mole Zombie 1.27%
121 Sleeping Lion 0.73% 244 Dissolverock 1.12% 199 Penguin Knight 1.27%
132 The 13th Grave 1.46% 259 Ancient Sorcerer 1.12% 203 Phantom Ghost 1.27%
135 Fiend's Hand 0.73% 262 The Little Swordsman of Aile 1.12% 205 Dorover 1.27%
138 Dragon Statue 0.73% 265 The Furious Sea King 1.12% 206 Twin Long Rods #1 1.26%
139 Blue-eyed Silver Zombie 0.73% 270 Wetha 1.12% 211 Kaminarikozou 1.27%
140 Toad Master 1.46% 289 Change Slime 1.12% 215 Flame Ghost 1.27%
141 Spiked Snail 0.73% 292 Psychic Kappa 1.12% 219 Solitude 1.27%
152 The Melting Red Shadow 0.73% 304 Axe of Despair 1.56% 227 Hitodenchak 1.27%
154 Fire Reaper 0.73% 305 Laser Cannon Armor 1.56% 228 Wood Remains 1.27%
162 Tainted Wisdom 0.73% 316 Electro-whip 1.56% 231 Wood Clown 1.27%
164 Lord of Zemia 0.73% 319 Mystical Moon 1.56% 237 Haniwa 1.27%
167 Ancient Jar 0.73% 321 Malevolent Nuzzler 1.56% 238 Yashinoki 0.59%
169 Dark King of the Abyss 0.73% 326 Raise Body Heat 1.56% 243 Water Element 1.27%
171 Big Eye 0.73% 330 Forest 1.61% 244 Dissolverock 1.27%
172 Armaill 0.73% 333 Sogen 1.61% 250 Hyo 1.26%
177 Monsturtle 0.73% 335 Yami 1.61% 257 Stone Armadiller 1.27%
181 Dark Shade 0.73% 336 Dark Hole 1.56% 259 Ancient Sorcerer 1.27%
191 LALA Li-oon 0.73% 338 Mooyan Curry 1.66% 262 The Little Swordsman of Aile 1.27%
196 Arma Knight 1.46% 339 Red Medicine 1.56% 265 The Furious Sea King 1.27%
197 Mech Mole Zombie 0.73% 340 Goblin's Secret Remedy 1.56% 269 Versago the Destroyer 1.27%
199 Penguin Knight 0.73% 345 Final Flame 1.56% 270 Wetha 1.27%
201 Frenzied Panda 0.73% 350 Dark-piercing Light 1.56% 276 Ray & Temperature 1.27%
203 Phantom Ghost 0.73% 393 Zone Eater 1.12% 289 Change Slime 1.27%
205 Dorover 0.73% 394 Steel Scorpion 0.59% 292 Psychic Kappa 1.27%
206 Twin Long Rods #1 0.73% 398 Ooguchi 1.12% 296 One-eyed Shield Dragon 1.27%
211 Kaminarikozou 0.73% 432 Waterdragon Fairy 1.12% 304 Axe of Despair 1.46%
215 Flame Ghost 0.73% 444 Turu-Purun 1.12% 335 Yami 2.93%
219 Solitude 0.73% 446 Aqua Snake 1.12% 393 Zone Eater 1.27%
220 Masked Sorcerer 0.73% 451 Kanikabuto 1.12% 394 Steel Scorpion 0.59%
221 Kumootoko 0.73% 452 Zarigun 1.12% 398 Ooguchi 1.27%
225 Fiend Sword 0.73% 461 Bolt Penguin 1.12% 432 Waterdragon Fairy 1.27%
227 Hitodenchak 0.73% 463 Electric Snake 1.12% 444 Turu-Purun 1.27%
228 Wood Remains 0.73% 484 Ameba 1.12% 446 Aqua Snake 1.27%
231 Wood Clown 0.73% 503 Turtle Raccoon 1.12% 451 Kanikabuto 1.27%
233 Dark Titan of Terror 0.73% 516 Muka Muka 1.12% 452 Zarigun 1.27%
236 Guardian of the Labyrinth 0.73% 524 Star Boy 1.12% 461 Bolt Penguin 1.27%
237 Haniwa 0.73% 548 Bone Mouse 1.12% 463 Electric Snake 1.27%
238 Yashinoki 0.49% 549 Frog The Jam 1.12% 484 Ameba 1.22%
243 Water Element 0.73% 556 The Wandering Doomed 1.12% 503 Turtle Raccoon 1.22%
244 Dissolverock 0.73% 558 Pot the Trick 1.12% 516 Muka Muka 1.22%
246 One Who Hunts Souls 0.73% 586 Greenkappa 0.49% 524 Star Boy 1.22%
248 Master & Expert 0.73% 591 Morphing Jar 1.12% 548 Bone Mouse 1.22%
250 Hyo 0.73% 592 Muse-A 0.49% 549 Frog The Jam 1.22%
251 Enchanting Mermaid 0.73% 602 Penguin Soldier 1.12% 556 The Wandering Doomed 1.22%
256 Dimensional Warrior 0.73% 605 Liquid Beast 1.12% 558 Pot the Trick 1.22%
257 Stone Armadiller 1.46% 606 Twin Long Rods #2 1.12% 586 Greenkappa 0.59%
258 Beastking of the Swamp 1.46% 610 Electric Lizard 0.10% 591 Morphing Jar 1.22%
259 Ancient Sorcerer 0.73% 652 Magic Labyrinth 1.56% 592 Muse-A 0.59%
262 The Little Swordsman of Aile 0.73% 655 Cursebreaker 1.56% 602 Penguin Soldier 1.22%
263 Rock Ogre Grotto #2 1.46% 683 Bear Trap 1.56% 605 Liquid Beast 1.22%
265 The Furious Sea King 0.73% 684 Invisible Wire 1.56% 606 Twin Long Rods #2 1.22%
269 Versago the Destroyer 0.73% 687 Goblin Fan 1.56% 610 Electric Lizard 0.10%
270 Wetha 0.73% 688 Bad Reaction to Simochi 1.56% 629 Armored Rat 1.22%
272 Mavelus 0.73% 690 Fake Trap 1.56% 642 Mystical Sheep #1 1.22%
273 Ancient Tree of Enlightenment 0.73% 693 Contruct of Mask 1.56%
274 Green Phantom King 0.73%
276 Ray & Temperature 0.73%
280 Protector of the Throne 0.73%
289 Change Slime 0.73%
290 Moon Envoy 0.73%
291 Fireyarou 0.73%
292 Psychic Kappa 0.73%
293 Masaki the Legendary Swordsman 0.73%
294 Dragoness the Wicked Knight 0.73%
296 One-eyed Shield Dragon 0.73%
335 Yami 1.17%
393 Zone Eater 0.68%
394 Steel Scorpion 0.49%
398 Ooguchi 0.73%
406 Yaiba Robo 0.73%
414 Shovel Crusher 0.73%
432 Waterdragon Fairy 0.73%
444 Turu-Purun 0.73%
446 Aqua Snake 0.73%
451 Kanikabuto 0.73%
452 Zarigun 0.73%
461 Bolt Penguin 0.73%
463 Electric Snake 0.73%
484 Ameba 0.73%
496 Wilmee 0.73%
503 Turtle Raccoon 0.73%
514 Brave Scizzar 0.73%
516 Muka Muka 0.73%
524 Star Boy 0.73%
548 Bone Mouse 0.73%
549 Frog The Jam 0.73%
552 Winged Dragon #2 0.73%
556 The Wandering Doomed 0.73%
558 Pot the Trick 0.73%
567 Darkworld Thorns 0.68%
576 Giant Scorpion of the Tundra 0.68%
584 Binding Chain 0.68%
586 Greenkappa 0.49%
591 Morphing Jar 0.68%
592 Muse-A 0.49%
601 Tenderness 0.68%
602 Penguin Soldier 0.68%
605 Liquid Beast 0.68%
606 Twin Long Rods #2 0.68%
608 Shining Friendship 0.68%
610 Electric Lizard 0.10%
620 Snakeyashi 0.68%
629 Armored Rat 0.68%
642 Mystical Sheep #1 0.68%
643 Disk Magician 0.68%


You can fuse monsters by putting two or more monsters together to create stronger ones. The ATK and DEF are used to determine the result of the fusion. In some cases there are more than one possible fusion results for the same fusion of types, in that case the monster will always become the one with the lowest ATK. If the ATK of any fusion-material is higher than the lowest possible fusion result the next lowest will become the result. If the ATK of any fusion-material is higher or equal than the ATK of the highest possible fusion result, the fusion won't work.
Some types aren't real monster types, because they are part of a specific monster group. These types are in italic and all monsters in the groups can be found in the Type Groups list.

Note: The list only includes fusions with types, not the fusions between specific monsters. The following list is sorted by card types, names in bolt are specific monster cards.

Type Fusions

Note: Pyro and Dragon type have some monsters which counts to the type even if they have another card type. The added monsters can be seen in the Type Groups list.

First Material Second Material Nr. Result ATK DEF
Animal Female 627 Nekogal #2 1900 2000
Animal Machine 412 Giga-tech Wolf 1200 1400
423 Dice Armadillo 1650 1800
Animal Plant 487 Flower Wolf 1800 1400
Animal Pyro 529 Flame Cerebrus 2100 1800
Animal Warrior 064 Tiger Axe 1300 1100
Aqua Dragon 448 Spike Seadra 1600 1300
073 Kairyu-Shin 1800 1500
Aqua Ground Attacker Bugroth 639 Amphibious Bugroth 1850 1300
Aqua Kappa Avenger 647 Hyosube 1500 900
Aqua Psychic Kappa 647 Hyosube 1500 900
Aqua Thunder 460 Bolt Escargot 1400 1500
Beast Fish 404 Tatsunootoshigo 1350 1600
230 Rare Fish 1500 1200
671 Marine Beast 1700 1600
Beast Larvas 587 Mon Larvas 1300 1400
Beast Special A 483 Garvas 2000 1700
Beast Thunder 459 Tripwire Beast 1200 1300
Beast Turtle 193 Turtle Tiger 1000 1500
Dark Magic Dragon 010 Blackland Fire Dragon 1500 800
Dark Magic Elf 551 Dark Elf 2000 800
Dark Spellcaster Jar 401 Ushi Oni 2150 1950
Dark Spellcaster Machine 643 Disk Magician 1350 1000
Dark Spellcaster Ryu-kishin 377 Ryu-kishin Powered 1600 1200
Dinosaur Machine 508 Cyber Saurus 1800 1400
Dragon Aqua 448 Spike Seadra 1600 1300
073 Kairyu-Shin 1800 1500
Dragon Dark Magic 010 Blackland Fire Dragon 1500 800
Dragon Special B 031 Koumori Dragon 1500 1200
Dragon Machine 409 Metal Dragon 1850 1700
Dragon Plant 571 Black Dragon Jungle King 2100 1800
Dragon Rock 426 Stone Dragon 2000 2300
Dragon Thunder 425 Thunder Dragon 1600 1500
613 Twin-headed Thunder Dragon 2800 2100
Dragon Time Wizard 069 Thousand Dragon 2400 2000
Dragon Turtle 443 Sea King Dragon 2000 1700
Dragon Warrior 138 Dragon Statue 1100 900
294 Dragoness the Wicked Knight 1200 900
502 Dragon Human 1300 1100
011 Sword Arm of Dragon 1750 2030
Dragon Zombie 097 Dragon Zombie 1600 0
545 Skelgon 1700 1900
039 Curse of Dragon 2000 1500
Elf Dark Magic 551 Dark Elf 2000 800
Elf Special C 002 Mystical Elf 800 2000
Elf Warrior 041 Celtic Guardian 1400 1200
Fairy Female 582 Dark Witch 1800 1700
Fairy Hibikime 495 Musician King 1750 1500
Fairy Sonic Maid 495 Musician King 1750 1500
Female Animal 627 Nekogal #2 1900 2000
Female Fairy 582 Dark Witch 1800 1700
Female Fish 431 Ice Water 1150 900
251 Enchanting Mermaid 1200 900
626 Amazon of the Seas 1300 1400
Female Plant 638 Queen of Autumn Leaves 1800 1500
Female Rock 531 Mystical Sand 2100 1700
Fiend Arlownay 594 Rose Spectre of Dunn 2000 1800
Fiend Fungi of the Musk 567 Darkworld Thorns 1200 900
Fiend Job-Change Mirror 022 Summoned Skull 2500 1200
Fiend Psychic Kappa 450 Kappa Avenger 1200 900
Fish Beast 404 Tatsunootoshigo 1350 1600
230 Rare Fish 1500 1200
671 Marine Beast 1700 1600
Fish Female 431 Ice Water 1150 900
251 Enchanting Mermaid 1200 900
626 Amazon of the Seas 1300 1400
Fish Hoshiningen 440 7 Colored Fish 1800 800
Fish Machine 542 Misairuzame 1400 1600
438 Metal Fish 1600 1900
Fish Rainbow Flower 440 7 Colored Fish 1800 800
Fish Warrior 546 Wow Warrior 1250 900
Fish Zombie 539 Corroding Shark 1100 700
Insect Kuwagata α 533 Kwagar Hercules 1900 1700
Insect Warrior 479 Cockroach Knight 800 900
Jar Dark Spellcaster 401 Ushi Oni 2150 1950
Machine Animal 412 Giga-tech Wolf 1200 1400
423 Dice Armadillo 1650 1800
Machine Dark Spellcaster 643 Disk Magician 1350 1000
Machine Dinosaur 508 Cyber Saurus 1800 1400
Machine Dragon 409 Metal Dragon 1850 1700
Machine Fish 542 Misairuzame 1400 1600
438 Metal Fish 1600 1900
Machine Warrior 413 Cyber Soldier 1500 1700
Plant Animal 487 Flower Wolf 1800 1400
Plant Dragon 571 Black Dragon Jungle King 2100 1800
Plant Female 638 Queen of Autumn Leaves 1800 1500
Plant Pyro 157 Firegrass 700 600
Plant Reptile 620 Snakeyashi 1000 1200
Plant Warrior 511 Bean Soldier 1400 1300
Plant Zombie 228 Wood Remains 1000 900
099 Pumpking the King of Ghosts 1800 2000
Pyro Animal 529 Flame Cerberus 2100 1800
Pyro Fiend Kraken 519 Fire Kraken 1600 1500
Pyro Plant 157 Firegrass 700 600
Pyro Rock 244 Dissolverock 900 1000
Pyro Turtle 593 Giant Turtle Who Feeds on Flames 1400 1800
Pyro Warrior 133 Charubin the Fire Knight 1100 800
015 Flame Swordsman 1800 1600
473 Vermillion Sparrow 1900 1500
Pyro Winged Beast 272 Mavelus 1300 900
467 Crimson Sunbird 2300 1800
Pyro Zombie 154 Fire Reaper 700 500
215 Flame Ghost 1000 800
Reptile Clown Zombie 471 Soul Hunter 2200 1800
Reptile Grass Clown 471 Soul Hunter 2200 1800
Reptile Plant 620 Snakeyashi 1000 1200
Reptile Thunder 610 Electric Lizard 850 800
Rock Dragon 426 Stone Dragon 2000 2300
Rock Female 531 Mystical Sand 2100 1700
Rock Pyro 244 Dissolverock 900 1000
Rock Turtle 518 Boulder Tortoise 1450 2200
Rock Warrior 456 Minomushi Warrior 1300 1200
Rock Zombie 457 Stone Ghost 1200 1000
Spellcaster Mystic Lamp 149 Lord of the Lamp 1400 1200
Spellcaster Spike Seadra 458 Kaminari Attack 1900 1400
Spellcaster Thunder 462 The Immortal of Thunder 1500 1300
458 Kaminari Attack 1900 1400
Spellcaster Turtle 449 30,000-Year White Turtle 1250 2100
Spellcaster Zombie 470 Magical Ghost 1300 1400
Thunder Aqua 460 Bolt Escargot 1400 1500
Thunder Beast 459 Tripwire Beast 1200 1300
Thunder Dragon 425 Thunder Dragon 1600 1500
613 Twin-headed Thunder Dragon 2800 2100
Thunder Reptile 610 Electric Lizard 850 800
Thunder Spellcaster 462 The Immortal of Thunder 1500 1300
458 Kaminari Attack 1900 1400
Turtle Beast 193 Turtle Tiger 1000 1500
Turtle Dragon 443 Sea King Dragon 2000 1700
Turtle Pyro 593 Giant Turtle Who Feeds on Flames 1400 1800
Turtle Rock 518 Boulder Tortoise 1450 2200
Turtle Spellcaster 449 30,000-Year White Turtle 1250 2100
Turtle Winged Beast 520 Turtle Bird 1900 1700
Warrior Animal 064 Tiger Axe 1300 1100
Warrior Dragon 138 Dragon Statue 1100 900
294 Dragoness the Wicked Knight 1200 900
502 Dragon Human 1300 1100
011 Sword Arm of Dragon 1750 2030
Warrior Fish 546 Wow Warrior 1250 900
Warrior Insect 479 Cockroach Knight 800 900
Warrior Machine 413 Cyber Soldier 1500 1700
Warrior Plant 511 Bean Soldier 1400 1300
Warrior Pyro 133 Charubin the Fire Knight 1100 800
015 Flame Swordsman 1800 1600
473 Vermillion Sparrow 1900 1500
Warrior Rock 456 Minomushi Warrior 1300 1200
Warrior The Judgement Hand 033 Judge Man 2200 1500
Warrior Zombie 030 Zombie Warrior 1200 900
096 Armored Zombie 1500 0
Winged Beast Boo Koo 117 Spirit of the Books 1400 1200
Winged Beast Fiend Refrection #2 595 Fiend Refrection #1 1300 1400
Winged Beast Job-Change Mirror 595 Fiend Refrection #1 1300 1400
Winged Beast Pyro 272 Mavelus 1300 900
467 Crimson Sunbird 2300 1800
Winged Beast Ryu-kishin 650 Whiptail Crow 1650 1600
Winged Beast The Judgement Hand 465 Punished Eagle 2100 1800
Winged Beast Turtle 520 Turtle Bird 1900 1700
Winged Beast Wicked Mirror 595 Fiend Refrection #1 1300 1400
Zombie Dragon 097 Dragon Zombie 1600 0
545 Skelgon 1700 1900
039 Curse of Dragon 2000 1500
Zombie Fish 539 Corroding Shark 1100 700
Zombie Graveyard and the Hand of Invitation 036 The Snake Hair 1500 1200
Zombie Mammoth Graveyard 564 Great Mammoth of Goldfine 2200 1800
Zombie Plant 228 Wood Remains 1000 900
099 Pumpking the King of Ghosts 1800 2000
Zombie Pyro 154 Fire Reaper 700 500
215 Flame Ghost 1000 800
Zombie Rock 457 Stone Ghost 1200 1000
Zombie Spellcaster 470 Magical Ghost 1300 1400
Zombie Warrior 030 Zombie Warrior 1200 900
096 Armored Zombie 1500 0
Type Groups The following list shows all extra monster groups which are used for fusion beside monster types.
Some types use some extra monsters beside all monsters of the type (e.g. Dragon), this list shows all extra monsters.
Group Nr. Name ATK DEF
Animal 046 Griffore 1200 1500
047 Torike 1200 600
061 Wolf 1200 800
065 Silver Fang 1200 800
113 Dark Gray 800 900
121 Sleeping Lion 700 1700
188 Synchar 800 900
189 Fusionist 900 700
201 Frenzied Panda 1200 1000
202 Air Marmot of Nefariousness 400 600
248 Master & Expert 1200 1000
255 Prevent Rat 500 2000
282 Mystical Sheep #2 800 1000
403 Leogun 1750 1550
481 Burglar 850 800
483 Garvas 2000 1700
487 Flower Wolf 1800 1400
527 Milus Radiant 300 250
575 Ancient One of the Deep Forest 1800 1900
598 Little Chimera 600 550
604 Obese Marmot of Nefariousness 750 800
629 Armored Rat 950 1100
642 Mystical Sheep #1 1150 900
Dark Magic 010 Blackland Fire Dragon 1500 800
083 Castle of Dark Illusions 920 1930
102 Mask of Darkness 900 400
103 Job-Change Mirror 800 1300
112 That Which Feeds on Life 1200 1000
127 Ansatsu 1700 1200
148 The Shadow Who Controls the Dark 800 700
149 Lord of the Lamp 1400 1200
164 Lord of Zemia 1300 1000
169 Dark King of the Abyss 1200 800
173 Dark Prisoner 600 1000
175 Ancient Brain 1000 700
182 Masked Clown 500 700
233 Dark Titan of Terror 1300 1100
234 Beautiful Headhuntress 1600 800
236 Guardian of the Labyrinth 1000 1200
239 Vishwar Randi 900 700
267 Unknown Warrior of Fiend 1000 500
269 Versago the Destroyer 1100 900
271 Megirus Light 900 600
279 King Fog 1000 900
563 Wretched Ghost of the Attic 550 400
Dark Spellcaster 017 Right Leg of the Forbidden One 200 300
018 Left Leg of the Forbidden One 200 300
019 Right Arm of the Forbidden One 200 300
020 Left Arm of the Forbidden One 200 300
021 Exodia the Forbidden 1000 1000
034 Saggi the Dark Clown 600 1500
035 Dark Magician 2500 2100
104 Curtain of the Dark Ones 600 500
115 Kamion Wizard 1300 1100
129 Nemuriko 800 700
179 Phantom Dewan 700 600
190 Akakieisu 1000 800
220 Masked Sorcerer 900 1400
253 Angelwitch 800 1000
259 Ancient Sorcerer 1000 1300
268 Sectarian of Secrets 700 500
387 Mystic Lamp 400 300
530 Eldeen 950 1000
578 Leo Wizard 1350 1200
Dragon 011 Sword Arm of Dragon 1750 2030
073 Kairyu-Shin 1800 1500
081 Crawling Dragon #2 1600 1200
094 Crawling Dragon 1600 1400
097 Dragon Zombie 1600 0
138 Dragon Statue 1100 900
409 Metal Dragon 1850 1700
425 Thunder Dragon 1600 1500
442 Aqua Dragon 2250 1900
443 Sea King Dragon 2000 1700
448 Spike Seadra 1600 1300
545 Skelgon 1700 1900
613 Twin-headed Thunder Dragon 2800 2100
Elf 002 Mystical Elf 800 2000
041 Celtic Guardian 1400 1200
264 Wing Egg Elf 500 1300
395 Dancing Elf 300 200
433 Ancient Elf 1450 1200
532 Gemini Elf 1900 900
551 Dark Elf 2000 800
Female 002 Mystical Elf 800 2000
062 Harpie Lady 1300 1400
063 Harpie Lady Sisters 1950 2100
090 Gyakutenno Megami 1800 2000
109 Goddess with the Third Eye 1200 1000
128 LaMoon 1200 1700
129 Nemuriko 800 700
180 Arlownay 800 1000
192 Key Mace 400 300
216 Dryad 1200 1400
234 Beautiful Headhuntress 1600 800
239 Vishwar Randi 900 700
243 Water Element 900 700
249 Water Omotics 1400 1200
251 Enchanting Mermaid 1200 900
252 Nekogal #1 1100 900
253 Angelwitch 800 1000
260 Lunar Queen Elzaim 750 1100
266 Princess of Tsurugi 900 700
280 Protector of the Throne 800 1500
299 Sonic Maid 1200 900
352 Kanan the Swordmistress 1400 1400
395 Dancing Elf 300 200
428 Magician of Faith 300 400
429 Goddess of Whim 950 700
430 Water Magician 1400 1000
431 Ice Water 1150 900
432 Waterdragon Fairy 1100 700
433 Ancient Elf 1450 1200
434 Beautiful Beast Trainer 1750 1500
435 Water Girl 1250 1000
530 Eldeen 950 1000
531 Mystical Sand 2100 1700
532 Gemini Elf 1900 900
551 Dark Elf 2000 800
572 Empress Judge 2100 1700
574 Witch of the Black Forest 1100 1200
582 Dark Witch 1800 1700
592 Muse-A 850 900
594 Rose Spectre of Dunn 2000 1800
600 Key Mace #2 1050 1200
612 Lady of Faith 1100 800
618 Warrior of Tradition 1900 1700
621 Succubus Knight 1650 1300
622 Ill Witch 1600 1500
626 Amazon of the Seas 1300 1400
627 Nekogal #2 1900 2000
628 Witch's Apprentice 550 500
631 Maiden of the Moonlight 1500 1300
635 Queen's Double 350 300
638 Queen of Autumn Leaves 1800 1500
641 Invader of the Throne 1350 1700
649 Hibikime 1450 1000
708 Cosmo Queen 2900 2450
Jar 040 Dragon Piper 200 1800
167 Ancient Jar 400 200
558 Pot the Trick 400 400
591 Morphing Jar 700 600
Pyro 015 Flame Swordsman 1800 1600
142 Flame Manipulator 900 1000
154 Fire Reaper 700 500
157 Firegrass 700 600
168 Darkfire Dragon 1500 1250
172 Armaill 700 1300
214 Kagemusha of the Blue Flame 800 400
215 Flame Ghost 1000 800
242 Candle of Fate 600 600
244 Dissolverock 900 1000
272 Mavelus 1300 900
409 Metal Dragon 1850 1700
417 Blast Juggler 800 900
519 Fire Kraken 1600 1500
555 Tyhone #2 1700 1900
Special A 175 Ancient Brain 1000 700
189 Fusionist 900 700
198 Happy Lover 800 500
208 Petit Angel 600 900
229 Hourglass of Life 700 600
253 Angelwitch 800 1000
260 Lunar Queen Elzaim 750 1100
264 Wing Egg Elf 500 1300
395 Dancing Elf 300 200
396 Ocubeam 1550 1650
540 Skelengel 900 400
582 Dark Witch 1800 1700
601 Tenderness 700 1400
608 Shining Friendship 1300 1100
Special B 003 Hitotsu-me Giant 1200 1000
006 Feral Imp 1300 1400
025 Horn Imp 1300 1000
048 Sangan 1000 600
058 Kuriboh 300 200
059 Mammoth Graveyard 1200 800
088 Metal Guardian 1150 2150
119 Trial of Nightmares 1300 900
137 Mystery Hand 500 500
162 Tainted Wisdom 1250 800
187 Gate Deeg 700 800
194 Terra the Terrible 1200 1300
202 Air Marmot of Nefariousness 400 600
212 Meotoko 700 600
219 Solitude 1050 1000
222 Midnight Fiend 800 600
232 Madjinn Gunn 600 800
240 The Drdek 700 800
245 Meda Bat 800 400
254 Embryonic Beast 500 750
277 Gorgon Egg 300 1300
298 Wicked Dragon with the Ersatz Head 900 900
384 Dark Rabbit 1100 1500
490 Needle Ball 750 700
561 Lesser Dragon 1200 1000
604 Obese Marmot of Nefariousness 750 800
611 Hiro's Shadow Scout 650 500
Special C 130 Weather Control 600 400
134 Mystical Capture Chain 700 700
183 Lucky Trinket 600 800
192 Key Mace 400 300
208 Petit Angel 600 900
229 Hourglass of Life 700 600
260 Lunar Queen Elzaim 750 1100
428 Magician of Faith 300 400
486 Boo Koo 650 500
492 Hoshiningen 500 700
601 Tenderness 700 1400
Special D 062 Harpie Lady 1300 1400
125 Fainth Bird 1500 1700
272 Mavelus 1300 900
465 Punished Eagle 2100 1800
466 Skull Red Bird 1550 1200
491 Peacock 1700 1500
522 Monstrous Bird 2000 1900
581 Takuhee 1450 1000
636 Blue-winged Crown 1600 1200
Turtle 177 Monsturtle 800 1000
193 Turtle Tiger 1000 1500
443 Sea King Dragon 2000 1700
449 30,000-Year White Turtle 1250 2100
503 Turtle Raccoon 700 900
518 Boulder Tortoise 1450 2200
593 Giant Turtle Who Feeds on Flames 1400 1800
710 Crab Turtle 2550 2500

Guardian Stars

There are 10 guardian stars in the game named after celestial bodies. Everytime a monster is placed on the field the owner choose one of two guardian stars. They are properties which will give a monster 500 ATK/DEF if it battles against another monster with a weaker guardian star. Each guardian star is strong against one other guardian star and weak against another one.

Guardian Star Strong against Weak against
☉ Sun ☾ Moon ☿ Mercury
☾ Moon ♀ Venus ☉ Sun
♀ Venus ☿ Mercury ☾ Moon
☿ Mercury ☉ Sun ♀ Venus
♂ Mars ♃ Jupiter ♆ Neptune
♃ Jupiter ♄ Saturn ♂ Mars
♄ Saturn ⛢ Uranus ♃ Jupiter
⛢ Uranus ♇ Pluto ♄ Saturn
♇ Pluto ♆ Neptune ⛢ Uranus
♆ Neptune ♂ Mars ♇ Pluto








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